Really Cool Google Wave Video
So recently as of today, that I write this post, my new favorite social media blogger @chrisbrogan posted a blog talking about the new Google Wave. The post wasn't really constructive or informative but it did include a really cool video that absolutely is a creative way to use Google Wave. I think as more an more people play with the Wave, we'll all learn how to use it better. For now, check out this video, it's really funny but has STRONG language.
Comments (4)
I thought I knew all of the Google apps - must check out Google Wave! Thanks for the info.
Alison Feliciano, over 14 years ago
I don't even know what the heck it is! I see it plugged from time to time when I check my Gmail and it isn't patently obvious what it does. My website grader from Hubspot grades us on our Google Wave counts...we always suck as I suspect other do too given our relative ranking!
Bryan Hancock, over 14 years ago
I don't know anyone who is using Google Wave . . . does anyone else? What are you using it for?
Joshua Dorkin, over 14 years ago
Very cool...thx for sharing! I haven't figured Google Wave out yet!
Bryan Hancock, over 14 years ago