Human Connection Still Reigns in Real Estate
Everywhere you go nowadays it's Social Media this, Social Media that, blah blah blah blah!
I'm sure you're aware of the power of Social Media by now if you're at all somewhat active with Twitter or Facebook or any other form of conneting via the screen in front of you which you are staring at as you read this post.
This doesn't excuse the fact that you have a telephone/cell phone that has these little numbers on it that when you press them, someone else inside that little device of yours talks back to you!
Sure, Social Media can drive absurb amounts of traffic to your site, blog or whatever else you want to get exposure to, but, if you really want to make a sincere connection, talk to someone! Shake someones hand and really get to know that person! The inspiration for this post comes from someone on this forum who I will not name, chances are, he might actually pop up in the comments section and reveal himself as I know he reads my blogs for which I am very gratefull for!
I care about this person. He has a beautiful wife and child and he's struggling to make it in Real Estate. I care because I know he really wants success, not for himself but for his family and that means something. The problem is this person has a REALLY hard time listening and following instructions. He's more concerned about connecting to others via Social Media and emails than he is concerned about making a sincere human connection.
In the months that I've been trying to help this person, he could have very easily cashed out at least 1 or 2 deals with very little effort. All he's had to do is listen to one very sound peice of advice I keep giving him and that is to CALL on the PHONE these people he's connecting with.
How strong is your connection with a person you connected with through Social Media? Sure, they might RT your tweets or comment on your Facebook page, but really, how strong is that connection?
If this gentleman had just picked up the phone or personally met face to face these connections he's making, he would actually have real connections, real relationships and better success than he's seeing now.
As I continue my trek and others that have seeked out my help have continued success, the ONLY difference is the Human Connection that we're all experiencing. That's it! There is NO other difference.
Take a recent blog post I wrote here on BP titled: Adding Value to Others is Priceless
In that post, I mention some really great Human Connections that I've made. I've spoken to these peope, I connected with them on a greater level than just some tweets or @ replies on Twitter. Another post, I speak about a connection made from Matt Rosen who introduced me to David Krushinsky titled: A Mortgage Broker Called Me Out Today where again, I made a Human Connection.
See, the point of all this is sure, Social Media Rocks!! We all know that power it has and the direction its going is fast paced, but, in real estate investing, your best connections are those that actually KNOW you by name, by voice, by face and trust who YOU are, not some tweets here and there of Facebook updates or even some email transmissions back and forth with someone.
Get out there, shake a few hands, meet some people, talk to them and take a connection you've made through Social Media and take it to the next level by making the Human Connection.
Comments (6)
Great post Nick! Man I find myself saying to you quite often. Oh well, I guess you really do write some good stuff. Thanks and keep it coming!
James Ward, about 15 years ago
Your advice is always timely Nick. I've found that to be true as well. It gets easier the more you do it.
Joseph Ziolkowski, about 15 years ago
Thanks for the kind words
Nick J., about 15 years ago
Great post, Nick! Soooo true :-)
Shae Bynes, about 15 years ago
Nick, you said that better than anyone! The phone is a beautiful piece of the social media strategy, but so few pick it up Another awesome post! ~Matt
Matt Rosen, about 15 years ago
Nick... Great insight. In today's technology driven environment it is so easy to think we are connecting with people... when in fact in many cases all we are doing is filling their in-box with tiresome emails. Starting the conversation via social media is a great starting point... for me it's the phone conversations and even better the face-to-face that make all the difference. Our job doesn't stop with social media... it is only just begining.
Peter Giardini, about 15 years ago