Adding Value to Others is Priceless!
If your a seasoned investor you're probably going to agree to everything I'm going to blog about and feel like it's a no brainer but for you new(er) investors, this will seem like it's beyond your abilities and trust me when I say, it's not! Take a lesson from the other seasoned investors who will agree, the sooner you start, the sooner you'll be successful.
Networking is a lot of times misunderstood and is thought of by 'What can they do for me?' but in reality networking is about connecting and adding value to other people. I'm sure most of you have heard the 'ol saying, "You networth is directly tied to your network" and if you don't know what that means, consider this, Look at your closest 10 friends/family. Chances are, if you average out all their income, you're not too far off from theirs. So why not get new friends?
Most people wouldn't dare to say kick your old loser friends to the curb but I'm not that person. You should tell your old friends to pound sand! Don't be afraid to hurt any feelings, either they step up or step away! Their choice, don't let your choices be influenced by their choices. Your financial future depends on it!
But wait, didn't I just tell you that networking is about connections and adding value to others? Yep, I sure did, but not to your loser friends! Network with successful people or people that are on their way up and you will quickly find yourself on the same uptrend if you have the ability to follow their lead.
I wanted to tell you about a few new friends I've made recently and maybe this will make more sense to you new(er) investors.
Recently, an investor by the name of Shae Bynes from Good Faith Investing wrote a blog here on BiggerPockets and this was the first time I really learned about her. Her blog was titled: Will the Real Deal Investors Please Stand Up! and when I first saw it, I thought it was a great blog. Then she followed it up with: How to Use Craigslist to Build a Wholesale Buyers List and although this topic has been overly discussed all over the place I thought it was actually a really good blog. So much so that I chimed in, we connected and ended up collaborating my other post titled: Finding Buyers on Craigslist with hers and I thought it was really cool that we were both able to add value to eachother and others as well. This is what I mean by priceless!
Since then, Shae and I, I think have become good virtual friends. So much so that we continued that same value adding camaraderie(sp?) on her Good Faith Investing blog where she blogs about her investing experiences. We came up with the idea where I can contribute some article posts on her blog about Subject2 investing. I thought it was great and she has the ability to add more value to the followers of her blog. The first of the little series we're going to do can be found here: Subject2 Investing With Nick Johnson and from there you'll be able to follow the future blogs as we do them.
Another really cool thing happened because of this and just another point that adding value to others is priceless! I was able to connect with a friend of Shae's named Scott Costello of Scott is pursuing Probate investing which I also enjoy although I was not able to jump to it full time earlier this year when I made an attempt to leave Short Sales. I really liked his blog and I am currently subscribing to his RSS feed so I don't miss a thing. The cool thing is you'll notice that also on Scott's blog that he also has contributing investors adding value to Scott's blog and his readers. I was even fortunate enough to get mentioned in one of his recent posts as well as BiggerPockets. You can see that post here:Make Money From Your Leads.
As you can see, I've been fortunate enough to not only connect with Shae and Scott but also add value to them and their businesses, blogs and their followers/readers. What do I get in return besides some backlinks or additional traffic to my site when they've linked to me? Relationships that will be more than fruitful in years to come! See, I'd rather tell my loser friends to pound sand and spend more quality time adding value and connecting with new friends like Shae and Scott. By doing this, it will be priceless for all of us and for those that benefit from each of us adding value to eachother.
Another example of adding value to others. I've also been fortunate enough to connect with another great member of BiggerPockets by the name of Peter Giardini. Peter has a radio talk show called: The Real Estate Investors Mastermind on BlogTalkRadio. I've been lucky enough to be on his show twice now adding value to his listeners and some of you probably heard either one of those shows.The coolest thing about those experiences were not blabbering away but connecting and building a relationship with another successful investor. Turns out, Peter is a really great guy and has a lot of knowledge that many people can learn from. I've been extremely fortunate to connect with Peter and I truly believe like Shae and Scott, my future will be much brighter because of the value that Peter and i can share with eachother.
I know this is like most of my other posts and it's very long but I can't help it sometimes. Shae keeps telling me I need to do videos which I'll start doing soon but I hope that this post will actually add value to you! Learn from others are doing and mimick their successes.
I urge you to connect with me. Give 'Us' the chance to add value to eachother.
Comments (3)
Awesome blog post Nick! You could not be more right, i never fully realized the power ofnetwprking until a met Shae and watched her. She doesn't look to network in a 'what's's in it for me way" but more to develop lasting bonds that can benefit everyone. You do the same, and hopefullly others see me in the same light. Great post and thanks for the mention
Scott Costello, about 15 years ago
Nick, this was a great post and not too long at all.I just recently read or heard on a webinar about the 10 closest family/friends. I'm not looking to actually kick my current circle to the curb but definetly opening my circle to new friends. I haven't really told my family/friends about my desire and venture into REI. I dont want anyone raining on my parade.Since i'm a newbie, i'm at the point where i am just trying to soak up all i can from others.But hopefully in the very near future, I too will be able to add value to others.
Tamarra Banks, about 15 years ago
Nick, I think this is a great post no matter how new or seasoned an investor is! It's a pleasure working with you and getting to know you more -- I too expect even bigger and more fruitful things to occur as a result of our connection! Relationship building is absolutely key - amen! :-)
Shae Bynes, about 15 years ago