The Holidays are HERE!!!
So I'm sitting here in my little corner desk hacking away at work that needs to be done. I've got a short sale I'm processing for a personal friend, another project regarding short sales that will be getting announced hopefully in December by a freind of mine that I was fortunate enough to be a part of, and I've got a new site I'm working on that will be a lot of fun for me and the veiwers of the site(more on that later)
So it's mail time and I'm outside enjoying the great Arizona weather and the mail lady stops by to drop off the mail, thankfully no bills today :)
What I did get(or rather the wifey) was 4 different mail order catalogs and they are all hopped up on cool graphics and of course 'Must Buy Now' type of deals. I thought to myself, "gotta love the holidays" All of a sudden I was like, "I do love the holidays!!"
The 'holidays' started for me this past weekend. My father who still insist on driving truck cross country for JB Hunt was in town for some time off. We knew he wasn't going to be back for Thanksgiving so we had a pre-thanksgiving dinner with all the fixins minus the turkey, we had honey baked ham instead. It was great! The whole family all together doing the family thing just because we could was a great thing. Of course, we all stuffed ourselves to where we were physically uncomfortable and taking a nap was the only solution. Even today as I write this, I'm just finishing a ham sandwhich from leftovers, ya know what I'm talking about!! the 2nd best part of thanksgiving is all the leftovers for the next week.
My sister got engaged to a great guy who is currently serving in the Navy while he was in town for a few days leave. So that was cool! My little sister is all grown up now :( I feel so old.
Everything is everything in my little world.
So we have the rest of this month and next month until we hit 2010, crazy isn't it? I remember back in '99 when they said the world was going to crash because the banks didn't have the ability to do 2000 and they thought everyones money was going to dissapear LOL!!! We still made it!
My experience has been that there are not a lot of sales happening for the last two months of the year so hopefully I get at least one more short flipped before christmas because I'm liable to do something crazy like blow the whole check on christmas presents :) Last year, we had to dedicate the entire family room to christmans and take out all the furniture because the tree and the mounds of presents were literally overflowing out of the room itself. It took us 2 full hours to open all the presents and get to the actual tree. Lets see if I can outdo myself this year :)
I'm excited about getting to watch all the same 'ol christmas movies, the same ones I grew up on like charlie brown, miracle on 34th street etc... For some reason you can only watch these movies at this time of year and they never get old even though we just watched them last year! I can't wait!
So there it is! I'm excited about another holiday season! I'm excited that I have thanks to give, presents to wrap and a loving family to share it with!
What does the holidays mean for you? what do you have planned? What most are you excited about this holiday season? Whats got your holiday spirit sparked?
Comments (9)
Nick, it is often funny how this time of year (starting with veterans day) brings us back to what is really important in life. Veterans, to remind us of our freedoms some would take away. And family (who each vet is to someone) for the holidays. Too soon we seem to forget these important things after the new year begins.
Jim Wineinger, over 15 years ago
yeah, isn't family one of the best reasons why the holidays are that much more better? My only sister got engaged just the other day, my cousin just had a new baby so my family is growing which is great because it means I can spoil more loved ones and have more people to share the holidays with. This time of year really makes you appreciate that your living and have loved ones that care about you. No matter where you are in life, it doesn't get much better than that.
Nick J., over 15 years ago
Ok, I'll chime in. Thanksgiving weekend is great because it gives us an excuse to head out to Henderson, Nv. and see my grandparents. Seeing them is great as we only get to do it this time of year. Plus Henderson has a few great holiday activities that our daughter loves. There is a Christmas light display at the Ethel M. Chocolate factory cactus garden that is just amazing! Christmas is pretty hectic for us as we have about five stops to make between my and my wife's families. It's great for our daughter because she gets lots of presents and plays with her cousins but can be a little stressful on us. In the end though it is great to see everyone and spend time with them! While Halloween is hands down my favorite "holiday", it is just the start of a few great months spent with friends and family.
Christopher W., over 15 years ago
Thats what I'm talking about LeJon! Things that are even more special during the holidays make it my favorite season! Anyone else? surely we can't be the only mushy schmucks excited about the holidays
Nick J., over 15 years ago
Holiday season is great in my house hold I have two children, my fiance has three. We have a great time and I would not trade it for nothing. Plus my TNT 24 Hour movie comes on "You'll shoot your eye out kid". Love it. LeJonR
LeJon Ratchford, over 15 years ago
that would be cool except the whole we don't have snow thing :)
Nick J., over 15 years ago
Nick, how about buying a snow machine which would somehow become activated on chirstmas morning to the suprise of everyone waking up from the noise itself?
Jim Wineinger, over 15 years ago
Great stuff Ted!!
Nick J., over 15 years ago
Seeing the Holiday store decorations this past weekend sparked my Holiday spirit ... I started thinking about Thanksgiving with all the relatives coming to town ... and before you know it, Christmas rolls around which brings my favorite annual family ritual .... heading to the tree farm to cut down our Christmas tree followed by a good meal at a local hangout ... surrounded by my parents, brother, wife and kids always makes me think how lucky I am!
Ted Harris, over 15 years ago