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Posted almost 15 years ago

How to Sell a House in 7 Days

The purpose of this blog isn't really to tell or show you how to sell a house in 7 days, it's merely to show you the power of article marketing and blogging mixed in with social media and bookmarking.

My goal is to get this exact blog post to within the top 3 on google search: how to sell a house in 7 days

Now as I write this blog post I've searched google and have found that my social bookmarks for this keyword phrase are showing up #5 and #6, they are my Digg and YahooBuzz submissions. The actual article that I submitted to Squidoo as a lens has not actually been indexed at the time of writing the blog. I know that by taking my squidoo url address which is:

and actually put the whole url into the google search. When I do that, I do see my other social bookmarking submissions, but not the actuall article itself. Not a problem, there are ways that I've gotten indexed in a matter of hours, however I didn't to that with the Squidoo lens/article. 

Now, you might be thinking that this is or should not be a difficult task but you'll notice at the top right of google it says this:

 Results 1 - 10 of about 1,090,000,000 for how to sell a house in 7 days. (0.23 seconds) 

That's a lot!! and to be able to rank high on that keyword phrase is going to be hard, it's worth the challenge to me. I find doing this is kinda fun and I like to drive traffic to what i'm doing. 

So why is this helpful to you or me? If you've got a website, you want to drive traffic to it for whatever reasons. If you've got just a blog and you have Adsense, well to drive traffic will increase your chances of earning money from Adsense, although not much, it's fun to do. I'm averaging $5 a week now with Adsense from blogs on my own site

You also give yourself a chance to build your followers and brand yourself and your company. Again, you might ask yourself why this would be important and it should be easy to understand, the more people that know you and know about you will only increase your network. We all know what they say: Your Networth is reflective of your Network, or something like that. 

So here's what I'm going to do to attempt to get this exact blog post to the top three of google searches for the keyword phrase: how to sell a house in 7 days

I'm going to create some linkjuice. Linkjuice is described as how many links are linking to your blog and how does google think of those linking sources. Meaning if you have 10 backlinks to your blog from sites that google doesn't like so much then you won't receive good juice. If you have 5 backlinks from sites that google does like, then you'll have good juice. What does google like and don't like? I have no idea! I don't represent myself as a SEO expert or a google expert, I just enjoy doing this in my spare time to create and generate more traffic. 

So, back to what i'm going to do. I'm going to backlink as much as possible to this exact blog post through other blogs that I already have that have some 'establishment' or 'juice' to them that are relevant to this topic. 

I'm going to 'share' this blog post via the little share button below. It's going to go my Facebook account, Digg, Twitter, Stumbleupon etc...

I'm going to ask you the reader to also spend 1 minute of your time and 'share' this with at least 1 bookmarking/networking service. Whether you just tweet it or Stumble or Digg it, that would help out a lot. 

The purpose of the experiement is to not only see how high I can get on the first page of google for the search term: how to sell a house in 7 days

But also see how many eyes I can get on this blog via number of visits. In return I'm hoping that the readers will clickthrough and find the actual article: how to sell a house in 7 days so I can create some traffic there as well. 


Wish me luck! and do your part in helping out.  I'll make a weekly update on the progress to the top for the next four weeks to see how this experiement goes

Comments (2)

  1. Thanks Pete, I still have a lot to learn but it's so much fun learning. So much of it can be done for free and only take a few minutes of your time and the rewards are priceless.

  2. Nick, OK... I'm confused... but that is alright. I plan to follow your progress as I too believe that social media... even for a dinosar like myself is the way to go. Good Luck... and make sure to keep us posted. Pete