High Ranking on Keywords in your town.
Apparently the power of Google Maps is much better than I originally thought.
A friend of mine recently went to work for YourLoanAdjusted.com as their marketing rep. He's been working diligently to build a presence online for the newly upstart company. He called me the other day and told me I was still on the first page for a google search of: stop foreclosure phoenix
I asked him what position on the first page I was and he said #4 at the time via Google Maps! I was surprised! I haven't really done much work to get myself on the #4 spot on Google but I sure wasn't going to complain. He vowed to beat me in rankings and I told him to break a leg!
Now this isn't a heavily searched phrased as it's currently only 162k searches but the nice thing is that it's obviously keyword heavy because it's including the word Phoenix in it. I'm sure it's much harder to achieve the results if you were to take out the word Phoenix.
Since then he's been able to knock me out of the #4 spot down to the #6 spot while his personal website has placed #3 and his current employer is now just ahead of me at the #5 spot. All this time I've done virtually no real work to get me there, all I've done is plugged my company info into Googles Maps business directory and there I am!
So of course that got me thinking what about other foreclosure investors? Are you guys taking advantage of the easy methods to drive traffic to either your telephone or website?
List your company name on Google Maps business directory! submit an article or 2 to ezinearticles.com or even right here on BiggerPockets.com as I've noticed that articles written here on BP have also ranked very high even on highly searched keywords. Even throw up a quick YouTube video and I'll bet ya that you'll rank very high, maybe even top 5 on keyword searches like: stop foreclosure (insert your town here )
The more and more I learned or experience about google rankings and it's ease to rank high the more fun it becomes. With so many marketing 'gurus' out their selling this stuff for thousands of dollars when really it's free to do and results are obvious! So save some money and register your business on Google Maps and see if it doesn't directly drive traffic.
Comments (6)
update, this exact post is #2 on google for: town ranking website 12.4 million searches and this exact post is #2. How funny is that! I just still need to learn to capitalize from it :)
Nick J., over 15 years ago
What's funny is now this exact blog post has ranked like 6th or 7th on googles front page!! That's funny because I wasn't even trying to do that!!
Nick J., over 15 years ago
Go Nick!
Will Barnard, over 15 years ago
Another way to improve your search engine ranking is to keep fresh information on your site. This can be done with a blog. You could post successful client stories on the blog or any other information that is relevent. Chris
Account Closed, over 15 years ago
As always Nick you're the man!
Jason Medina, over 15 years ago
I also forgot to mention that I'll be improving my Business listing with Google today and challenge everyone of you to do as I'm doing and track your results. Once you create a Google account and add the listing you'll be able to log into your Google account and click on LOCAL BUSINESS CENTER, it should be in the middle of your page after you log into Google, from there you can actually see the results. So go make it happen and report back here with you results please so we all can learn from this
Nick J., over 15 years ago