Lessons Learned In Failures
I just posted this video on my site but felt so compelled to share it here with you guys. I just finished watching this video and it is truly inspiring. J.K Rowling, author of the Harry Potter books (of which I've never read) gives a speech and at first, her speech is a little comical as I think she's breaking the ice and getting herself comfortable.
This a 21 minute long video and I can't tell you how amazing it is, you really must watch the entire thing. She says something that I personally connected with and that is, "Rock bottom is a solid foundation". She discusses how a certain time in her life when she was at rock bottom and how her failures have been lessons learned. It really is something.
Do yourself a favor, don't pass this just because it's a 21 minute video, truly watch it and listen. I really think it's something you won't soon forget.
J.K. Rowling Speaks at Harvard Commencement from Harvard Magazine on Vimeo.
Comments (3)
Wow! What an awesome speech. I really enjoy hearing wise words of wisdom from anybody that can open up their heart and try to teach others from their own experiences.
Chris M., almost 15 years ago
Wasn't it worth watching the entire 21 mins? I was drawn in the entire time. Best speech I've seen in a long time.
Nick J., almost 15 years ago
That was an amazing speech! I love how she talks about failure and how important it is to success. Don't let the fear of failure keep you out of the game!
Johnny P., almost 15 years ago