1st Day of 2010! What Did You Do Today?
I recorded myself today making a few calls. I'll warn ya, it's almost 14mins long. I edited it so you couldn't hear names and numbers but other than that, you can see just how easy it is to drum up some business from existing relationships.
One last before I forget, swing by Subject2.com and subscribe so you don't miss a beat. I'll have a lot more videos coming up as the days go by.
Comments (6)
Nice video. I will be very interested in keeping up with your videos. The concept sounds really cool.
James Ward, about 15 years ago
You go brutha from anutha. Make us proud!!!
Will Barnard, about 15 years ago
you know me too well to think I'm going to let the brokers tell me I can't do something LOL!!!! yes, sellers as well. I basically decided that I'm going to literally put a video at least once a day, even if it's a quick tip type of thing. I think 2010 will see a surge of videos, I might as well get in while the gettin is good :)
Nick J., about 15 years ago
Thats right, you said that in your post. I was thinking the brokers may not allow that, and if they do the just write up a blog about it. Are you going to post on talking with sellers as well?
Justin S., about 15 years ago
Justin, I'm actually taking the video camera with me. I'll record the meetings as they happen and post those.
Nick J., about 15 years ago
I watched it, its good. It gave me some ideas. Nice post, keep them coming. Repost on your meetings go.
Justin S., about 15 years ago