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Posted over 14 years ago

Another Run, Watch as I Go and Participate With Me!

So during my morning routine of waking up at 5:30 and getting all 5 kids up and ready for school while I fix them eggs and toast. We all head out about 6:30 in the morning.

Starting about 6am my phone starts ringing with 417 area codes coming in. It's too early in the morning for me to answering the phone while I've got all the tired and cranky kids in the background so I let it go to voicemail and continue with my shuffling of the kids to W2 earning training called 'School'. 

During this time I thought about wanting to blog my progress as I'm doing deals as before to which I had no success. If you've read the past blogs, you'll know that as I wrote the details of the deals as they happened, the deals would fall through. I thought though that this time instead of doing it like that, I could trick the so called 'curse' I've developed and blog about my progress in building buyers, sellers, team members, opportunities etc... Once a deal was complete, then I would blog about it afterwards but keep the details of the particular deal a secret so not to 'curse' myself until it was done. 

This is and will be no easy task! There will be failures, mistakes and poor decisions made but it will be a great learning lesson for not only myself but for those of you that follow the blog as I trek down the journey. This won't be one of those blogs where a newbie will blog about great topics like what to put on a postcard but never actually send the postcard out. No, this will be a blog about my actually DAILY activities and my business building techniques and my relationships built. 

I will assure you this, I will attempt to make this work with as little out of pocket money as possible. I know there will be a time or two where cash will need to be exchanged, however, I'm going to show everyone how and what I do exactly. This will not only be for newbs to follow, but also for other and more experienced investors to give me their input and expertise while I go through this journey. One thing you'll learn about me if you don't already know is that I'm always soaking up like a sponge. Regardless of my experience or successes, I know I don't know everything and the game which we play in always changing. 

So, subscribe to my blog, participate in the comments, ask questions, give me your input/advice and most importantly start taking action yourself!! You don't have to blog about literally everything you do, as I'm only going to be blogging about 1 strategy in 1 city but at least start something. You'll see as I go, by taking action, results follow!

Comments (9)

  1. "One thing you'll learn about me if you don't already know is that I'm always soaking up like a sponge." One thing that I have learned is that all sponges have a limit to what they can soak up without squeezing out some of what was soaked up so that you can soak up more. The real trick is to squeeze out only that which was not profitable for you. Kind of like the same thing the mind does with always remembering the good times and forgetting the bad times. The memory is really still there but the liquid was removed from it so it is not recalled so fluidely.

  2. I like this thread. LeJonR

  3. The first step is admitting you have a problem :)

  4. I name no names :)

  5. Wonder where that newbie and the postcard reference came from. I will admit the truth stings, but I listen. Look forward to reading more nick.

  6. Hey is this Twitter,lol. I'll follow and look forward to your blogs.

  7. I will definately follow along. I also hope that the curse has been broken. If not, try voodoo.

  8. We definitely don't want the curse to continue. I definitely look forward to reading about the successes, failures, mistakes, etc. as you go forward, Nick.

  9. Great Idea! Keep them coming.