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Posted almost 15 years ago

Why You Might be Failing at Wholesaling

I decided to write this blog post after receiving another email from a local wholesaler who just doesn't listen when I tell him to quit sending me emails.

The first problem(not so much for me) was that he was NOT using a 3rd party email service like Aweber or iContact but rather using his Yahoo email service. Now that is all fine and dandy if you cannot afford a 3rd party email service but let me tell you this, Aweber and iContact have some really great benefits that you just cannot get with Yahoo or Gmail.

With a free service like Yahoo or Gmail you cannot send out bulk emails and have it customize to show the receivers first name making it appear to personalized. This is the point I wanted to get to. This wholesaler continually sent out emails to his 'List' of buyers and was simply putting them all on the CC line, for those of you who don't know what that is, it is 'Carbon Copy'. This means that ever receiver of that email gets to see who else received that same email.

Now, this is not a bad thing for me as I get to add these names to my 'List' but the problem really is, I don't want these other guys/gals having my email addy because chances are they're going to send me horrible deals just like this guy continues to send me. I finally got through to the guy to start sending his emails to himself and then add everyone on the BCC line, this doesn't allow all other receivers to see who else received the email, however, you still cannot personalize it like you should.

I speak about how to properly personalize and create great emails that actually require the reader to engage you in my new e-book and it would be worth your time, money and effort to learn this art for yourself. I can assure you that you will help close more deals and as important build relationships that matter.

Some of the points I cover about this art is creating great Postlets and putting them into the body of your email while also requesting the receiver to respond to you via email or phone that they received and had a chance to look at it regardless if they or if someone they knew would be interested. This builds a relationship with the receiver because they get an email that appears to be created and sent to them directly and it's calling for action and making them feel committed to respond to you because you asked for a response.

This is done in a few really effective ways by sending the same(sometimes a small difference) emails to different 'Buyers' on your list ranging from Buyers agents, Re-habbers, landlords etc...

Take from this blog post that it is very important to make the receiver of your email to feel like you took the time to create and send them that message. Ask them to commit to follow up with you and build upon those relationships that area created by the ones who do respond to you. It will only help your success!

If you know of any struggling wholesalers, please share this blog post with them as I hope it helps them.

Comments (5)

  1. yes! yes you will Joseph LOL!!! Really, without sounding like a dumb sales pitch, my e-book is really no fluff. I wanted to give you more than you paid for. I wanted to give you what you really needed to succeed. I also offer the opportunity to you to become an affiliate of my e-book and earn a commission for referrals. I have literally made it my mission to provide you with everything you need to start cashing checks within 30 days and NOT spending any of your own money.

  2. Great post Nick! I'm just starting to get into this now, and I see there is lots to learn... I'll have to get your ebook!

  3. James, the idea is just to get and keep interaction with the email receivers. All to often we think that just blasting out emails will produce results. I'm not only concerned about getting results but also building and retaining relationships. I want to know who is opening my emails and more importantly 'reading' my emails. If they reply back or call you then you know you have someone who is interested in what you are doing.

  4. Pretty good info Nick. Never thought about putting a call to action on a property info email. Thanks

  5. Good post, I need to start building my buyers list. I only use the MLS now. I'll take your ideas from your ebook and put them to use!