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Posted almost 15 years ago

Attention Agents: 5 Tips on how to Stop being BROKE

If you are a Licensed Residential Real Estate Agent I am probably going to deeply offend you by the time you are done reading this post. Please know that I am by no means trying to offend you but no doubt it will offend most if not all licensed Realtors.

Here are you 5 tips on how to STOP being BROKE. This came to me today after receiving an email from an agent friend of mine that sent me a specific section of the Real Estate Training Guide. He wanted to show me why agents are NOT aware of "Subject To" transactions. 

Here is the exact paragraph that covers "Subject To" transactions:

When a loan is taken "Subject to" the new buyer is not personally liable to the lender for the payment. In case of default, the seller (original borrower) remains solely liable for the debt, while the buyer (vendee) loses the property and any equity in the property up to that point. The buyer has no personal liability to the lender. 

Now, keep this in mind. This is an extremely versatile strategy from an investors point of view and an extremely valuable option for the Realtor and homeowner. Now this Agent said that the trainer mentions "Subject To" as quick as you can read this paragraph and then moves on. For some reason I completely believe him when he tells me that. 

Instead of going into the benefits of utilizing "Subject To" as a Realtor to help your homeowners/sellers, I already wrote about that in this BLOG POST. If you haven't read it, you need to do yourself a favor and do so immediately and forward it to every licensed professional you know that isn't making as much money as they could or should be. 

Now lets get into these 5 tips. Remember, I am probably going to offend you. If I do, that is your problem, not mine. You are more than welcome to challenge me publicly like Realtors have before, just know, you will lose as the previous challengers have but I welcome the challenge. 

Tip 1. 

Tell your broker to pound sand! 

That's right, if you haven't noticed yet, you are an over glorified employee. Your broker is your boss. You may not have to clock into work everyday, show up at an office or even get 'da man' coffee but you are no doubt an employee. 

When you are an employee, you make someone else rich. You either believe in free enterprise or work for someone that does. Don't fool yourself and say you are self-employed or you work for yourself blah blah blah. When you have to get clearance or an OK from your broker then you work for the man and the man doesn't want you to succeed by yourself, they want you to succeed for them. You are holding yourself back by not realizing what you are missing. Become a true Investor/Agent.

Tip 2. 

Educate yourself! Don't leave it up to some stiff with fancy acronyms like GRI or ABC BBD WTF or even WWJD LOL!!!

You decided to become an agent for one of very few reasons that probably include, to make more money and work for yourself(we've just covered why that isn't possible) to sincerely help others buy their dream home(that's sweet! but it's not about them, it's about you and your family NOT being BROKE) or you had some mis-guided notion that the way into REI was to become some stiff who thinks buying properties with emotion or at FMV is the only ethical or legal way to invest in RE. Ask those that were making those mistakes during the easy money years and see where they are now. I've shorted so many Agents houses it isn't even funny! They get all their butts handed to them while at the same time they swore they were 'experienced' investors and RE would always go up. They weren't 'experienced' they were suckers!

Tip 3. 

Be an investor first, Realtor second. 

Most Realtors spend their days doing the exact same thing over and over again. Showing houses to people that aren't going to buy. Dealing with sellers aggravations because you haven't sold their house yet etc.....

Instead of trying to get top dollar for their house(I know, I know, you were brainwashed to believing that listing a sellers house for full FMV is ethical) educate your client on the TRUE costs of selling their house. Explain to them the costs that are involved including your commissions, a buyers agents commissions, closing fees and more importantly 'holding costs'.

What are these? you should know! if you don't LEARN them! Educate them on how long you truly believe it's going to take to sell their house having it listed at FMV. Tell them how long the average days on market houses are at right now. Help them calculate their 'holding costs'. These include the mortgage payments that still need to be made, the utilities, repair costs to bring it back to or up to 'retail ready'. If you are not doing these things then you are being unethical by my terms! To me this means you are more concerned with your commission than selling a clients property for top dollar.

What does top dollar mean? well it certainly doesn't mean letting it stay on the market for more time than necessary while waiting for that full asking price offer while your client is still paying the mortgage! how about this, you pay the sellers mortgage while it's being listed and see how long you want to hold out for a full asking price offer! All of sudden what I'm saying makes sense when you're the one paying for it! Your services are expensive to a homeowner and if you don't tell them that then you are the greedy one, NOT me! 

Tip 4. 

Earn more commissions. 

Now what I mean by that is not go out and get more listings and hope one will close that you are brainwashed to do by your brokers. It really irks me to know that Agents are taught this way and don't try to tell me otherwise, your fellow Realtors already spilled the secrets and I think it's horrible you subscribe to that while at the same time cry ethics and standards blah blah blah. If this is you, you really should be ashamed of yourself and stop wondering why you're broke with a 100 listings in your name! You spend more time getting listings than you do selling properties, what else did you expect? You didn't believe the trainer/broker when he/she told you that is the secret to selling more houses did you? Of course not! Somehow I get the feeling you're calling me an A-hole right now, not because I am an A-hole but because I'm right and you're too foolish to admit it. 

What I mean by that tip is this, instead of taking your commission and living off of it like a paycheck(what 99% of realtors do) take your commission as a note on the property payable by the buyer at a slightly higher than prime rate on a short term basis, say 2, 3 or even 5 years. This way you create passive income so to speak. Think about it, you make 3% minus what 'da man' takes from you and you're still living off of noodles in a cup and driving a beater-mobile. Listen to my tip 3 and be an investor first, agent second! Do you have any idea how much MORE money you will make from that rather than just taking a commission? Of course you don't because you haven't yet figured out that your broker doesn't have YOUR best interest at heart, only his/hers. I'm not saying take each and every single commission as a note, but take one out of every three to start, build up some passive income, then increase it more and more, soon you'll see that you can easily live off of your 'passive' income comfortably and you can use your 'commissions' for 'actual investments' 

Tip 5. 

Become a broker.

I know I told you earlier to tell your broker to pound sand but think about it. Who is making all the money? They are! Why in the world would you want to make someone else rich? Don't give me some lame excuse how money isn't everything blah blah blah. Do you think wars happen over anything else other than money? do you think the world turns from love? do you know we're not in the 60's anymore? WAKE UP AND SMELL THE CHEDDAR! If your broker is not filthy rich then leave his run down shack of an office and 'Move on up to the east side' and become a broker. Now I don't know the first thing about becoming a broker but I do know they are making more money than you so why wouldn't you become a broker? Remember, You either believe in free enterprise or work for someone that does. 

Open up your own brokerage and recruit top notch agents! real go getters who will make you A LOT of MONEY!!!  Educate them on the beauty of legal and ethical transactions outside of your normal everyday nightmare. 

Fly a guy like me in to speak with your agents. I'm cheap! I'll fly on Southwest, stay at a Motel6 for the night! I'll come in and blow their minds and show them how they can make more money and more importantly, how to make YOU more money! Now of course I'm not a charity worker so I'm sure you're wondering how much that would cost you, the answer is, whatever the cost of a plane ticket and a room at the closest Motel6 costs. What? no money? what's the catch you say? Here's the catch, it doesn't have to be me, it can be a local investor if you want, the point is when you bring a BUYER who WILL BUY and stick him in front of a room small or large with a bunch of Agents sitting there looking at him/her, everyone gets excited and deals start happening. Bring me into your office and I'll show your agents how to be better agents! All I ask is that we do some deals together! It works out for everyone!!!

Your agents will learn how to be better agents without all the mumbo jumbo stiff and traditional dream selling that happens now. I will show them things that will excite them! that will open their eyes to things that were in front of them all along! The coolest part about it is it doesn't even have to be ME, get someone local if you want, I don't care! Just do it! 


Now, I've given you 5 great tips on how to STOP being BROKE. You can take from this what you want but understand this, if you are a broke Realtor, then it's your own fault! My offer stands to any Broker that is willing to fly me in and put me up for a night and take me out and buy me a .99 cent cheeseburger that I will come in and spend at least 2 hours, more if I have to, I will  show your agents how to significantly increase sales in your area. I'm not claiming to be a guru or some marketing genius, but what I will teach your agents will benefit you 100xs over what it costs for a simple airplane ticket, a Motel6 room and a .99 cent cheeseburger! All I ask is that I get to add my name to YOUR buyers list!  

I also ask that if you were offended by this blog post then by all means share your anger and send the link to someone else, whether it be on twitter or facebook or just an email. Call me an A-hole or whatever you want, just tell them I offended you and let them decide if I'm right or wrong. 

Comments (18)

  1. Jim, dunno if you're a member of BP or not b/c you were not logged into your account when you posted this comment. I would like to ask you if you ever come back here and read this to please private message me your contact info so I can learn more about where you are and if I would be interested in investing there.

  2. Hey I'm gonna be a realtor in about 6 months thats my goal. And as i continue to read this blog i'm finding out most realtors aren't thinking like i do. Heres why: I'm willing to make low offers and help investors with getting properties and finding good deals... I don't want this to sound like a commercial but i agree with Justin Bird. Realtors should not be trying to do anything OTHER THAN MAKE COMMISSIONS. They shouldn't be trying to "sell a dream" or whatever... so if your looking for a Realtor to help you invest here I am. I can access MLS, find you good rentals, fsbos, and handymen specials...

  3. You cant offend me, Nick.. lol

  4. Great article I've been an investor for 4 years and until reading this post and all the comments, I really figured I was the only one having problems with realtors. Lol just kidding. In my opinion 90% of all agents are brainwashed. This I gathered after going threw hundreds of agents and all having the same mind process " in the box" thinking. I plan on forwarding this article to every realtor I've ever dealt with! The truth needs to be told! Great job Nick!

  5. Mark, I knew this wasn't going to offend many people, especially investor/agents like yourself, it is only going to offend those that are agents and are struggling and don't know why while at the same time assuming they know everything and have an employee mindset. I'm glad everyone has liked the post so far. It's not like I revealed any secrets and we all know I could have done 10,20 or even 50 tips but felt like 5 should be enough to open those eyes that needed to be opened. I surprised that no agents have come to battle over this post yet though, Steve was the closest so far but he's only under the miss-impression that investor/agents are competition which isn't true but beyond that I'm surprised no one has to come to the plate.

  6. Excellent post, Nick! Coincidentally enough, I'm an investor and Real Estate Broker. The whole reason I become a licensed agent to begin with was because I hated working with lousy agents who didn't know what they were doing, didn't know how to present offers, couldn't find what I wanted. The list goes on and on. Being a Realtor has by far made me a more successful investor. And vise versa to a certain extent because 99% of the poeple I work with as an agent are investors. As an agent, there's nothing better than working with an investor. Cash offers on properties that aren't overly scrutinized is the best way to save time, and maximize deals/profit. To your last point, number 5. I got the broker license because I'm sick of splitting commissions for no tangible net benefit. I work independently and never ask for advice. Because of that, why should I give up a percentage? I will soon be the guy at the top acting as the rancher for all the sheep! And, for the record, I wasn't offended by any of this! You spoke the truth!

  7. a lot of great comments guys! Keep 'em coming! and remember to share this with others

  8. Great post Nick. I hope that Realtors can read this post with an open mind and realize that what you are really saying is not that they are evil or foolish and anything like that but that they simply have been brainwashed into thinking exactly as Jim has said, that they are "selling a dream". That's grand when you do "sell a dream" but can you really sell a dream in today's market where people are over leveraged or asking way to much for their homes because that's what they "feel" their home is worth? If you are a Realtor the idea is to make commissions by selling houses, period. If you as a Realtor know that you can save your clients thousands by having them call me as soon as they are ready to sell their house why wouldn't you? I am currently looking at a house that has been on the market for over a year and the couple have relocated out of state and need to move the house. Great for me bad for them. They just dropped their asking price 20k dollars and I haven't found out if the price they dropped it off of was the original listing price, if it wasn't that is more money down the drain. Not to mention they probably spent close to another 20k in holding costs over that time frame and who knows what they spent on curb appeal. They will pay another 7k to you the Realtor whenever this house sells, IF it sells at the asking price now. That's almost 50k dollars the homeowner lost when they could have called me or Nick and moved that house in the first 2 weeks. Good thing homeowners, and Realtors for that matter, are greedy and want top dollar all the time. I get to clean up the mess when they become desperate to sell. Realtors think that they can sell homeowners houses for top dollar and make a few extra hundred dollars on that ONE transaction when they could call me and I will buy REPEATEDLY!! REPEATEDLY!! AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN!! Now I ask you which will put more food on the table? Which will help you give your family the most? I will time and time again. Whew! That was crazy I have no idea where that came from. Again Nick I now you where just blowing steam about realtors but great post.

  9. I'm studying to be a real estate agent and i agree. I've been full time Networking and working on becoming a Realtor---but with the sole purpose of investing my commissions and benefiting from the positive cash flow that my properties bring in... I guess sometimes agents can become attached to the idea of "selling a dream" which is great but you can still do that and have your money work for you rather than work for your money ;)

  10. Nick, Great post... as always! As with many of comments it amazes me how short sighted agents can be when in comes to real estating investing in general and real estate investors specifically. If most agents would take the time to understand how a successful investor works, they would never see a lean month again.

  11. lol Good post! Wishful thinking as well... The best realtors, are investor realtors... Unfortunately, those are your competition as well... And because there going to have the inside information and access to the best deals in town(REO's). Its best to make friends with them all instead of enemy's... I'm not a realtor... Yet!

  12. Not offensive at all. Very true. Wish more investor buyers required there agent to be an active investor.

  13. Another great article. Good post Nick.

  14. Where do you get all of this information? Who’s real estate book did you dig through to find that information formation on “subject to”? You would think that a training manual Copyrighted in 2007 and printed in 2008 would have more up-to-date information? Actually, you have to remember, the title of the manual is the “FUNDAMENTALS of Arizona Real Estate.” It just tell you the laws and ethics. The book is only teaching the basics to pass the Real Estate exam. For in-depth training you have to add it to your education elsewhere. Also, I totally agree with the Tips 2, 3, and 5. Another thing that may be good to add there is when you are starting off, find a broker that has experience in wholesaling and investing. They can be a great wealth of information. There were some other things that I was going to add but I became distracted by a few phone calls. When it comes to mind again, I’ll be sure to add it.

  15. Thanks for the comments guys, remember, if you think it was a great post then share it with your friends, tweet it, facebook it etc.. Lets get this message out to as many Realtors as we can. James, any comments from Realtors will easily be noticed here on BP, they will either come out swinging or comment on how true this post really is. My bet is that at least one rogue agent will come out swinging as they usually do.

  16. Nice post, Nick. It really does amaze me that more real estate agents aren't out there investing . . . this is a great read for any real estate salesperson.

  17. Nick, Will you tell us how many of the comments come from realtors? I would just like to know, what a realtor has to say. Thanks.

  18. Tip 3. Be an investor first, Realtor second. ....couldn't agree more - best advice a very old broker gave me when i got into the business was to invest for myself along the way .... then at the end of your career you will be rich - those who don't end up broke - commissions pay your bills but houses allow you to retire.