Website and E-Book update
Well it's been a little while since I've updated anything concerning my current project. I returned from a family vacation 2 days ago. I really enjoyed my time spent in Joplin, Missouri and have seriously considered moving there with my family.
Since I've returned home I've received an update from the web designer and the editor who's making my e-book pretty. I've viewed the outline of the site and have approved it, I think it will be a great site with not a lot of hype but still visually appealing.
I received the finished copy of the e-book minus some pictures and graphics for the book. I'm also including some affiliate links in the book to allow the purchasers go to other product sites and sign up to be affiliates with them.
The editor is now working on completing the 'Affiliate Marketing' book, this will be about a 50 page bonus book when my Subject2 book is purchased. The idea behind it is to show someone how to market other products to earn passive income or supplement there current income.
The concept is to allow someone to actually learn how to generate some capital without being upsold every time they turn around like your typical 'guru' business plan is.
I'm pretty excited everything is coming into place now and it should all be done very soon. I think everyone who purchases it will think it's worth their money as I'm approaching it as not a primary source of income but rather a practical resource to really get started in Real Estate Investing so you wont find any up sells to bootcamps, seminars or any other stuff like that.
I've actually recently added several members to the Subject2.com team who will be contributing vital information regarding different aspects of not only investing but marketing, website SEO and credit improvement. These contributors have agreed that they will contribute high quality content to the site via articles, blogs and video tutorials with no upselling at all. They will only be allowed to backlink to their site and thats it. This will allow the content to stay relevant and product pitch free.
That's all for now, I just wanted to update everyone. I'm excited for this project and I think it will do a lot of good for a lot of people.