Diary of a creative investment deal pt2
So I received pictures from the seller of the interior and had a member of my team do a drive by on the property and give me a report of the exterior and the neighborhood. I also had a buyer do a drive by and said he likes it and the neighborhood is nice.
This particular buyer I've known for a while and he recently came to me asking if I could find him a house on the west side of phoenix and in a certain price range and I told him I would keep in eye out. He's headed home to speak to the wife and they'll probably do another drive by before it gets dark tonight.
I'm waiting on title search to come back clear with the exception of the two liens to assure that the seller and I are aware of all leins and then I'll have the contracts drawn up and probably go by tomorrow or Friday. I'm supposed to be leaving for vacation any day now as soon as a family member makes it in town and we'll head out of here. If I can't get over to the sellers house beforehand I'll have a team member meet with him and fax over the contracts for me to sign depending on what state I'll be in at the time.
I'm looking forward to hearing back from the potential Lease/Option buyer tonight, it'll be great to already have it all locked up right away and then it'll be a matter of making a few phone calls and pushing some paper around.
If I do go the Lease Option route, it'll sell for $134,832.00 instead of the 120k comps. The way of I come up with that amount is utulizing the national average since 1968 of housing appreciation of just over 6%
So what I do is take the 120k and add 6%(7,200) = 127,200 for year 1 of a 2 year Lease/Option.
Then take that number of 127,200 and add 6%(7,632) = $134,832.00 for year 2 of 2.
I'll break down the exact numbers later on, just know that the potential profit will be now in the 48-50k dollar range.
For those that are looking to sell amazing properties to other investors, this is an extremely great way to do it!!! I'll discuss that later on as well.