Coming Soon to the World Wide Web Pt 3
Well as of ten minutes ago I finally completed the e-book. I feel great about it, I really feel like it's going to be exactly if not more than what a new or experienced investor is looking for.
The next step is to send it over to WordsYouWant and have Valerie and her team of experts put it all together for me in a easy to read and absorb format. I can easily admit that I am a completely horrible writr with bad spelling and even worse grammar. After she's done with it I'll look like a best selling author.
Once she's done with it I'm also going to have her create a great 3D cover for it, something that attracts attention while at the same time doesn't seem to cliche or spammy. I'll keep everyone updated on the progress of that as well.
Later this week I should be heading out of town, it might get pushed to the beginning of next week depending on a few things involving my older kids activities. They can't wait to hit the road, we'll be stopping at the Big Texan along the way because for some reason my 12 yr old son thinks he can do it, I've tried 2x's and didn't even come close.
In my last blog post update I offered any newbs the opportunity to view the e-book and give their opinion on it, no one stepped up which is fine because along the way I've been sharing it with about a dozen other people with all different levels of experience getting their feedback and making sure it's something they would pay for if they thought it wasn't enough or to much etc.. I'd like to thank all of you who gave your time to review it.
For now besides working on getting the website proffessionaly built I'll be looking to build an army of Internet Marketers who will earn 30% commission for referrals. The great thing about what I'm doing is that I will have detailed instructions on how to effectively market on the Internet and use those techniques to supplement some income. This income will be able to allow you build a marketing budget, something that is always overlooked by new investors when just starting out.
I really want the story of this book to have an impact on lives by not only showing the reader why they should have creative real estate investing as a large part of their investing career but also HOW to do it for practically no more than the cost of the e-book because there will be emphasis on creating capital through Internet Marketing.
Stay tuned.
Comments (1)
Send it over Nick, I will give you my opinion.
Will Barnard, over 15 years ago