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Posted about 15 years ago

The feeling of Acomplishment

Well the last few days I've been kinda hanging out not really doing much. I wouldn't say it's lack of ambition, just hanging out. Well one of the family vehicles I call the man-van (it sounds cooler than the soccer mom van) needed brakes b/c the calipers were sticking, so instead of fixing it I just left it in the driveway for a few days and didn't bother with it.


Well here comes the "Honey Do" list, you guys know what I'm talking. Wifey says to get off my lazy butt and fix the van today or else! Well you know what that means. The wrath of a woman can be deadly in some countries so I knew I better do something about it. I called the local shop I've had do work before and they were booked for the day, I told the wifey the status and she said, "well you better break out the tools."  It wasn't that bad, I just haven't worked on a car for a long time, but needless to say I went down to circle K and bought a Monster energy drink and got to work. Just over 30 minutes later I was done and felt like I accomplished something today, considering it's only half way through the day. 


It got me thinking about something I preach to new investors who procrastinate when it comes to investing. I hear a lot of times a lot of excuses of why not and how comes. I always tell a new investor that wants to work with me or get some mentorship from me not to waste my time b/c I'm not a talker, I'm a do it, get it done and move on to the next adventure type of guy. 


After completing the minor non-real estate related task assigned by my better half I've got to say the feeling of accomplishment great! I love getting something done and sitting back reflecting on my success/progress. I know this is an odd blog for a Real Estate Investor site, but just keep in mind the point of the story I'm sharing with you today. What are you accomplishing today? what are your goals and what are you doing to achieve those goals?


Don't go to bed tonight wishing you'd done more today or gotten better results with what you were doing, strap your shoes on and take no prisoners and don't let anything stop you from reaching your goals, even if they are small daily goals. Trust me you don't want your better half giving you the "or else" speach!


Thanks for reading I hope a small spark was lit. 
