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Friday, August 28

So this will be part updating and part ranting. So if you've read my previous post located here you will see I THOUGHT I had it made and was setting myself up for success. So far NOTHING!!!! (I know that's MikeOH style typing, just bare with me)In that last post, you will notice a Realtors name, ...

1 Minute to Rental Property Riches Review Pt3

Sunday, August 23

Welcome to the third edition of my personal review. If you haven't been following, please read my other reviews and don't be afraid to leave a comment. You can follow these links to get you there, Part 1 and Part 2As for the third part of my review I must say I have some mixed feelings and I'll d...

How to Sell a House in 7 Days

Sunday, August 23

The purpose of this blog isn't really to tell or show you how to sell a house in 7 days, it's merely to show you the power of article marketing and blogging mixed in with social media and bookmarking. My goal is to get this exact blog post to within the top 3 on google search: how to sell a house...

1 Minute to Rental Property Riches Review Pt2

Saturday, August 22

Welcome to part two of my review of 1 Minute to Rental Property RichesIf you haven't read the first part of the review, you can find it HERE I'd like to report an error on my part and DEMAND a refund. I originally posted that the book cost $47 and I think I actually paid $49. Then I find that it'...

Attention: Residential Real Estate Agents

Saturday, August 22

This is a great opportunity to learn about “Subject To” and how it works.  As an Estate Agent, adding “Subject To” to your bag of tricks will greatly increase the number of sales and closings you can accomplish.  Do not be surprised if you become the top performing agent in your office soon aft...

1 Minute to Rental Property Riches Review Pt1

Friday, August 21

That's right, as most of you know the infamous MikeOH and his trademark USE OF CAPS in posts. Some of you might not know that he has a book called: 1 Minute to Rental Property Riches. I recently ordered the book and received it today. I've asked MikeOH if he would object to me giving a review of...