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Posted over 14 years ago

Dog Bite

I've had a lot of requests to start up my blog again, so here it goes. To be quite honest, I don't really think that talking about real estate stuff is very important anymore - at least compared to the destruction of our country at the hands of the socialists. For those of you that haven't been paying attention, we have a socialist in the White House who has surrounded himself with socialists/communists/marxists. The Socialist in Chief (President) is following the Cloward and Piven Strategy, which was developed in 1966 by "progressives" to hasten the fall of capitalism by overloading the government bureaucracy with a flood of impossible entitlements, thus pushing society into crisis and economic collapse. As capitalism collapses under the weight of the entitlements that can't be funded, the socialists have an underlying socialist structure in place which they will use to "fundamentally transform" the nation. I have been busy (peacefully) fighting this socialism on a variety of fronts and simply haven't had much time to post about real estate investing. In my opinion, fighting the loss of our country is infinitely more important than talking about my rental business.

However, for those interested in the day to day activities of a landlord, I do have an interesting little story that occurred today. My 3 hours of work today consisted mainly of routine tasks. I collected one late rent, with late fee; posted 2 eviction notices; and installed a window air conditioner for a disabled tenant. My last task of the day was to unlock the basement at one of my duplexes so that the Section 8 inspector could inspect it later in the day. I walked into the back yard of the duplex and unlocked the basement. As I was walking back to my truck, a large pit bull from the house next door jumped over the fence and bit me on the shoulder. I was able to knock him off my arm and back into his yard. Through an act of great discipline, I didn't shoot the dog and fortunately for both of us, the dog didn't come at me a second time.

I knocked on the front door and told the owner that he had better chain that dog up and that the next time the dog attacked me, I would shoot it (I WILL). My shoulder was instantly bruised and was bleeding. You could (and can) see where every one of the dog's teeth bit into my shoulder. I carry a first aid kit in my truck and proceeded to clean the wound as much as possible. Then, I called the health department to see what needed to be done to ensure that the dog didn't have rabies. The health department said that the dog needed to be quarantined for 10 days and that they were sending someone to pickup the dog. They will call to let me know about the dog after they have it in custody.

Comments (9)

  1. There are plenty of solutions to what is going on in Washington , however not too many people want to implement them because they're too involved in buying votes.

  2. Mike - recover quickly ( I applaud your poise and self restraint). I agree with Jon - you need to create a report on record for any future instances. @Don - I don't agree with everything that is happening in Washington - however unless we can comment with solution instead of just complaints and disrespect - then maybe it's best to not comment at all.

  3. Something is happening. Obama will be nuetralized with the 2010 elections, and when inflation hits a return to capitaliam will take place with the 2012 elections. The socialists tried this before, in 1977-1980 and it backfired in both Britain and the U.S.

  4. BTW I agree with your comments 100% about the state of our country. What bothers me the most is how many people there are that I personally know that feel the same way , yet nothing happens.

  5. Should have shot the dog on-sight. If the dog is willing to attack a full grown adult, they're more than willing to attack a child.

  6. Great to hear about the experiences of other landlords. It is amazing how many who are not a landlord think about the riches landlords make. If the average renter only knew, they might have a much different perspective.

  7. I know this is very serious and that dog needs to be put down. Hope you've recovered. You are alot like the TX governor! He jogs with a lazer-scope pistol to take out coyotes.

  8. Mike, why not also call the police to establish a record, if nothing else. I don't think the health dept. would do anything in my town, perhaps yours is better. I'm thinking of the 4 year old that might be that animal's next victim. Great to have you blogging again. I know it may not be exciting for you, but you give great value to those without so much land lording experience. Like me.

  9. Hopefully your injuries will heal quickly, Mike. I'm pretty sure the dog won't be bothering you or anyone else once they pick it up.