Floor Finished and Rent Collected
Today was the 1st, which is the beginning of rent collections for the month. I started the day by going to the post office to pickup my Section 8 checks. I then made up deposit tickets and deposited those checks in the bank. From there, I picked up one rent from a tenant who called this morning and then came home for lunch.
After lunch, I picked up a bunch of other rents and spent a little time finishing the laminate floor that I started yesterday. After completing the floor, I went to Lowes to get the baseboard trim pieces and transition strips that I need to finish the project. I'm planning to install and paint the baseboard trim tomorrow.
When I looked at the laminate job today, I felt quite a bit better about it than I did last night. It looks very nice and really shines and the wider joints that I complained about last night don't seem to be really noticeable. I''ll try to remember to take a picture of it tomorrow.
Michael Rossi is the author of 1 Minute to Rental Property Riches, which is the only book that tells the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth about the rental property business. You won't find any guru motivational nonsense; unrealistic hype; or promises of instant riches without work in this book. What you will find is the critical information that you need to start, build, and operate a successful rental property business. And if you're wondering about the title of the book, 1 Minute to Rental Property Riches, it's a sarcasm of the silly guru infomercials that promise untold riches without work - which we all know is RIDICULOUS!
If you'd like to read more about the book, check it out at www.1MinuteToRentalPropertyRiches.com. When you're ready to buy, you'll get the best price and fastest delivery from the bookstore right here on BiggerPockets!