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Posted almost 16 years ago

So Far, So Good

Unless you've been lost on a desert island, you know that our country is in the early stages of an economic crisis which could easily become a depression. Approximately a trillion dollars have been spent on bailouts to date and the economy is still deteriorating. Big Wall Street firms are bankrupt and the state of California has just announced that it can not make its payroll! Things do not look good.

Fortunately, the rental property business is still doing quite well. In fact, we are at record occupancy and are renting things just about as fast as they become available. My biggest concern is that job losses and high heating costs will result in a rash of evictions in the near future. To my relief, I only have one late rent this month, so this month won't be the start of a rash of evictions. In fact, I'll post the 3-day eviction notice tomorrow for the tenant that hasn't paid and I'm still hopeful that they will pay during the 3 day period with the $50 late fee!

Tomorrow, I have to run projection at church, so that will keep me busy until early afternoon. Then, I will spend a couple of minutes posting that 3-day notice and I may show my 6 bedroom house to a prospective tenant.


Michael Rossi is the author of 1 Minute to Rental Property Riches, which is the only book that tells the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth about the rental property business. You won't find any guru motivational nonsense; unrealistic hype; or promises of instant riches without work in this book. What you will find is the critical information that you need to start, build, and operate a successful rental property business. And if you're wondering about the title of the book, 1 Minute to Rental Property Riches, it's a sarcasm of the silly guru infomercials that promise untold riches without work - which we all know is RIDICULOUS!


If you'd like to read more about the book, check it out at When you're ready to buy, you'll get the best price and fastest delivery from the bookstore right here on BiggerPockets!

Comments (1)

  1. Thanks for the plug Mike, and welcome to the world of blogging!