Painting Again
I started the day with a 10 minute job to replace the element in the oven at one of my 3 bedroom houses. No big deal.
The rest of my time today was spent painting the floor in a 3 bedroom duplex and then painting the kitchen in the 1 bedroom apartment that I've been working on. Nothing too exciting.
I did have an interesting call from a prospective tenant today. She asked about one of my two bedroom houses. She asked if she could see it and I explained my screening criteria to her. After I got done, I asked if everyone that would live there would meet the criteria. Her answer was very telling. "I will be the only one on the lease and I will pass the criteria", even though she already told me that her mother and boyfriend would be living there. The translation of her answer is "my mother and boyfriend have evictions and a criminal record, so I'll be the one to apply". Needless to say, I wasn't fooled and I said "no thanks"!
Michael Rossi is the author of 1 Minute to Rental Property Riches, which is the only book that tells the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth about the rental property business. You won't find any guru motivational nonsense; unrealistic hype; or promises of instant riches without work in this book. What you will find is the critical information that you need to start, build, and operate a successful rental property business. And if you're wondering about the title of the book, 1 Minute to Rental Property Riches, it's a sarcasm of the silly guru infomercials that promise untold riches without work - which we all know is RIDICULOUS!
If you'd like to read more about the book, check it out at www.1MinuteToRentalPropertyRiches.com. When you're ready to buy, you'll get the best price and fastest delivery from the bookstore right here on BiggerPockets!