When is No Job the Best Job?
When is no job the best job? Answer: in the middle of a job-killing recession!
If you follow the news like I do, then you already know that our economy lost 533,000 jobs in November! The unemployment rate has also increased to 6.7%. Ironically, the only reason that the unemployment rate only went to 6.7% is that a huge number of people were so frustrated by the lack of jobs, that they stopped looking for work. In the screwed up fantasy land that is our government, when a person can't find work and gives up, they aren't counted as being unemployed! In addition, there are millions of lazy people in this country that simply don't want to work and they aren't counted either.
The point is that millions of Americans are in danger of losing their jobs right now. If we fall into a Depression, unemployment could skyrocket. Fortunately, those of us that are self-employed are not facing such a risk. That's not to say that running a rental property business is risk-free, it's not. However, at least my future isn't in the hands of some corporate bean counter that may want to save money by eliminating my job.
As long as there are people on this planet, people will need a place to live. That gives me assurance that rental property owners will have some job security!
Michael Rossi is the author of 1 Minute to Rental Property Riches, which is the only book that tells the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth about the rental property business. You won't find any guru motivational nonsense; unrealistic hype; or promises of instant riches without work in this book. What you will find is the critical information that you need to start, build, and operate a successful rental property business. And if you're wondering about the title of the book, 1 Minute to Rental Property Riches, it's a sarcasm of the silly guru infomercials that promise untold riches without work - which we all know is RIDICULOUS!
If you'd like to read more about the book, check it out at www.1MinuteToRentalPropertyRiches.com. When you're ready to buy, you'll get the best price and fastest delivery from the bookstore right here on BiggerPockets!
Comments (5)
I believe the American People know how to better use their money than our government does - let's start with getting rid of the IRS!
Alison Feliciano, over 14 years ago
I have faith in individuals - if the governments get out of the way!
Don Konipol, over 14 years ago
The government has completely sold out the middle class in our country. As long as we have the Fed in partnership with Congress things will only continue to get worse. U6 unemployment is around 20% (!!!) right now...scary stuff!
Bryan Hancock, over 14 years ago
Only going to get worse I am sure. Good thing we do not have to depend on the corporate thugs for our income! These bad times should be a window of opportunity for us as RE investors.
Will Barnard, over 16 years ago
No job is the best job when you have something else to do like a prt time thing and you were not getting ample time to work on it. Now, you dont have your fulltime job, you get more time for your side project which can really help in making it better. You can find a similar blog on: http://housingnewslive.com/ Thanks,
Puneet, over 16 years ago