Busy as a Bee!
Wow - did today end up being a busy day!
They say that no war plan survives the first shot. In many ways, the rental business is the same. My plan for today was to work on the 1 bedroom rehab I started yesterday. That plan didn't even make it past last night. The plan began to fall apart when I received a call from the police department at about 10 pm. The officer on the phone informed me that they had caught the convicted felon that has been stalking me and that he was in jail (where he belongs). The officer wanted me to bring the security camera video of the felon violating my restraining order to the police station so that it could be used as evidence in his pretrial hearing next week.
By itself, this task would barely have interrupted my day, however that was just the beginning. As I was headed into town, I received several calls from tenants wanting me to pick up their rents. In addition, I got another call from a tenant who had an electrical problem. All of these things took a little more of my day. I had to drop off some paperwork at the Section 8 office. I picked up the mail at the post office and received all my Section 8 checks plus some private pay checks. After collecting several rents in town and fixing the electrical problem, I went to the plumbing store to get parts for the sinks; faucets; and water lines that I wanted to work on today. Then I picked up a couple more rents. After all the interruptions, I finally made it to the apartment and began working on the water issues. I installed the new faucet; hooked up the water lines; and hooked up the drain lines. The only part of this entire sink installation that was not brand new was the double stainless steel sink. As was probably predictable, the drain basket on one side was leaking and I had to take everything back apart to replace the drain basket.
About that time, I got a call from a another tenant wanting me to pickup the rent and two tenants that are moving in this month. That was the end of my plan. I collected the rent and did the paperwork for the two tenants that are moving in. Then I gave up and went home!
The weather was very iffy with rain showers all around the area. It didn't look like I could ride my bike any distance without running a high risk of getting very wet. So, I decided to ride just around my little subdivision. Around and around I went until I'd racked up 8 miles.
I'll try again tomorrow to work on the rehab. I would really like to get it finished.
In other news, I'm now on Twitter at MikeTheLandlord. I'll try to update my activities during the day if you want to follow along!
Comments (10)
I think the the business plan is what I'm most interested in, obviously the forms help too. I guess what I need is a step by step "thing". Basically do this Monday, do this tuesday, etc... That little neighborhood paper is the only thing I've EVER advertised in for this property. I think I can swing a "fin" a week ( I'm half italian). About your tenant screening ( I read one of your other blog's), what websites do you use? I think you said something about screening for evictions, felonies, etc...Could you pass those on? I had one in my e-mail, and I can't find it. thank you, Norm
Norm Chrostowski, over 15 years ago
Norm, Wow - $5 a week! Now that's a deal! Good luck on the advertising - the market here in Ohio is still strong and hopefully you'll get it rented right away. To answer your question about my book. My book isn't anything like Trump or any of the material by the "gurus". There is absolutely no motivational nonsense in it. It's simply what I do and how I do it (including all the forms, my business plan, etc). There's not a "SECRET" in the entire book! I don't have any other products to sell, so there will be no upselling. I certainly don't have any $10,000 mentoring. If you do decide to order it, I recommend getting it from the BiggerPockets Bookstore. You'll get the best price on it at BiggerPockets. Mike
Michael Rossi, over 15 years ago
I agree on many points. Especially about the rentals in the lower-income areas. That's where my duplex is, and it's always remained rented. As a matter of fact I'm re-habbing the place right now. Tenant moved out, and I haven't done anything to the place in in 10 years. So I figured it's time for new cabinets, floors, dry-wall, shower stall, toilet, carpets...you, if anyone, knows the drill. Actually the ad just came out in this little neighborhood paper today and I've already had 2 calls, showing it tomorrow and sat. $5 a week!!! Talk about a bargain to advertise. I NEED to really get going with buying more property. I have some back ground, but not nearly (I feel) enough to find 'em and negociate for them. Would you say buying your book is a good place to start? I have read several...Trump...Think Big (which is really him just saying how great he is) Two years to A Million In RE...Matthew Martinez....Buying RE without Cash or Credit...Peter Finkel and David Conti...and I've just started, Short-Sale Pre-Foreclosure Investing...Dwan Bent-Twyford and Sharon Restrepo...It's certainly a start, and I will continue to search for knowledge and education. I think your book is next, you just seem like a no-BS type of landlord and property owner. I'm tired of the hype, and "buy this", but "it only REALLY works with our 10k mentoring service" And about the Ohio location thing, I'm about 3 hours from Cleveland, I live just south of Buffalo. I actually go into Ohio a lot because of work (railroad). I've been to Columbus many times, and had an Aunt live in Toledo. Again just curious. Thank you for all your help in replying to some of my questions. Maybe one day we can meet. I'll buy lunch and I can pick your brain a bit...who knows...again take care and good luck
Norm Chrostowski, over 15 years ago
Norm, Almost by definition, rentals are not typically located in upper class neighborhoods. In fact, most properties that will truly cash flow are in lower-income and lower-middle income areas. I have rentals in both of these areas. I would consider a war-zone to be an area where bullets fly on a regular basis. I don't have any rentals in war zones. Low income rental areas do contain a lot of criminals. I see these people every day. As I said in my blog, I have recently had a convicted felon basically stalking me, as a result of me being the witness against him in a felony arson case (he was caught on my surveillance cameras in the location of an arson to the building next door). I have a restraining order against him and had him arrested a few days ago when he approached me and violated that restraining order. I am not afraid for my life. I am quite capable of defending myself against the various riff-raff that lives in lower income areas. I don't advertise where I am located in Ohio because I don't trust everyone on the internet. Most people are good people, but there are enough freaks on the internet that I don't want to advertise my location. Mike
Michael Rossi, over 15 years ago
I read most of your Blog's. When I hear things like "convicted felon", "pink elephant", and having to cary a gun around, it soundslike most of your properties are in "not so good" areas. Around where I live we call them "war zones". I don't think I could handle being being stalked or afraid for my life when I went to my properties. Do you target these areas? Or is this where you find your deals? You must have a very strong stomach. Mind you, I'm not being critical, I actually envy your life style of coming and going as you please. That's eventually my goal. I guess just trying to get into your head a bit. I also notice your never say "where" in Ohio. Are you trying to not give your secret away. This is strictly a curuiosity thing, I'm not trying to intrude on you privacy.
Norm Chrostowski, over 15 years ago
Thanks Josh for the address of my twitter account. You're light years ahead of me on this technology stuff!
Michael Rossi, over 15 years ago
Home Depot has a similar book. Those things are a godsend! BTW - Mike's Twitter account can be found at <a href="http://www.twitter.com/MikeTheLandlord">http://www.twitter.com/MikeTheLandlord</a>
Joshua Dorkin, over 15 years ago
Steve, I bought a home repair manual from Lowes and carried it around for the first year or so. It has detailed instructions and pictures for just about every home repair job. You might try the search again for MikeTheLandlord. I tried the search and it found me and Josh Dorkin seems to have found it. Sorry I can't be more helpful, but I'm brand new to twitter. Mike
Michael Rossi, over 15 years ago
From reading your blog I have found that plumbing skills are a must. I am not bad with electrical, but I have to sharpen my plumbing skills. Did you read some books or take some classes? Thanks.
Mark Forest, over 15 years ago
Mike: I tried a search for MikeTheLandlord and your name on Twitter, but I could not find you.
Mark Forest, over 15 years ago