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Posted over 15 years ago

Water and Glass

What's that old saying about the best laid plans of mice and men? That's the way my day went today. I had planned on doing a little rehabbing, but instead ended up fixing a clogged sewer line and fixing a broken window.

Just before I headed into town today, I received a call from one of my tenants who said that both her toilet and her kitchen sink were clogged. Although tenants are required to plunge their own toilets, when multiple drains are clogged, that is usually the main sewer line. So, my first project of the day was to unclog the sewer at this apartment.

As I was working on the sewer line, I got a call from a tenant right across the street who reported that someone had attempted to break into her basement and that they had damaged a basement window. So, after completing the sewer job, I went across the street to look at the window. Unfortunately, the tenant's report of a damaged window wasn't quite correct. A more accurate description would have been that the window was totally destroyed. Even the window frame had been destroyed. My solution to this problem was to install a piece of plywood where the window had been. This will make a future break-in much more difficult and obviously no more glass will be broken!

While working in the basement on the broken window, I also noticed a water line that was dripping. It was too late in the day to start on another project, but I'll have to address this issue in the next couple of days.

Michael Rossi is the author of 1 Minute to Rental Property Riches, which is the only book that tells the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth about the rental property business. You won't find any guru motivational nonsense; unrealistic hype; or promises of instant riches without work in this book. What you will find is the critical information that you need to start, build, and operate a successful rental property business. And if you're wondering about the title of the book, 1 Minute to Rental Property Riches, it's a sarcasm of the silly guru infomercials that promise untold riches without work - which we all know is RIDICULOUS!

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