Enthusiasm Sells! Add Sparkle to your Marketing
Saturday, June 28
Ralph Waldo Emerson once said enthusiasm is one of the most powerful engines of success. What is the benefit to you of being enthusiastic? Enthusiastic salesmen have lower blood pressure, lower resting heart rates, and healthier outlooks on life. Imagine genuinely being anxiou...
Expenses are Going Up! Revenue Up!
Tuesday, January 22
As American small business teeters on the precipice, we have choices to make. The initial facts about the Fiscal Cliff deal between President Obama and speaker of the House Boehner have been revealed. The major impact for small business owners is detailed below; beware of the similarities betw...
Cash Flow – King of Business
Thursday, December 06
“Positive assets and negative cash flow” is a common issue for small business. Manage your cash flow or perish. John Formento Jr., analyst with the business-information firm Sageworks warns that it is not sales volume but cash flow which determines the survival of many small businesses. K...
Keep Your Company Vision Alive
Tuesday, November 20
A company vision is not a slogan to put on a piece of paper and stuff in a drawer. Your vision must be the focus and guiding beacon for the company. Far too frequently a vision statement is presented in the process of obtaining initial investors, adjusting company direction, or in the process of...