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Posted over 10 years ago

What keeps you from success?

I've had a number of people contact me on BP asking if I am still investing in Memphis.

Well the answer is yes sir. I have been quiet on the blog front for some time because we now have full time staff on the ground in Memphis and i am back in Fiji serving God and getting on with my life :-).

I believe to get anywhere in life you need clearly defined goals and a passion to see them fulfilled.

So for my wife and I the goal was and is to serve God in Fiji. The GFC destroyed us financially but the goal and the passion never changed.

So I have been doing whatever it takes to recover. This meant a 4 year period where I was with my wife for less than 6 motnhs of the year. It meant a year living in Memphis working 16 hours a day 7 days a a week. It meant building a buying channel in a strange country and finding professionals I could trust. (That was a huge problem in the USA).

It meant building a sales channel that would last long term.

The biggest issue was building our own acquisition channel so we could guarantee integrity in our deals.

Well we have achieved all of the above so now we have other people in 3 countries doing the hard yards and my wife and I can manage things from Fiji and be doing what we are passionate about. I would like to say we are back to where we were pre GFC but we aren't. But we aren't curled up in the foetal position wishing we were dead either. We get to live our dream while still working through the consequences of our own silly decisions and a global meltdown.

My point in this post though is to say one thing. The ONLY thing that will keep you from your dreams, goals, life you want is your own inability to do what it takes to succeed.

If a couple of people from the bottom of the world can build a business in Memphis from nothing that now supports 5 people in 3 countries and is currently moving 5 houses a week then anybody can :-)
