How to find deals for a multiple purchaser
I received a great phone call recently from a novice finder/birddogger who had heard I was looking for more houses than I could find myself and I was stunned with what he said.
After saying hello and telling me he was a deal finder in the city he then asked if I had 5 minutes for him to interview me.
He then went through a list of about 20 questions to identify exactly what I wanted so he knew what to try and find.
The exact questions weren't important but eh fact that he was organised enough to get the information he knew he needed was impressive. And I took him much more seriously than many others who ring me who I know will offer me blighted stock that I have already seen a million times because they don't listen to what I say I need.
So if you are trying to connect with buyers of multiple homes create a list of wants and needs and do what this young man did to ensure you can meet your customers requirements.
Not in any particular order he asked me:
1. "No go" zip codes.
2. Specific areas I wanted.
3. Construction material requirements.
4. Minimum bedrooms and baths.
5. Would I buy vacant/trashed/leased.
6. Did I prefer to take over contracts or double close.
7. Any minimum maximum price range.
8. Did I have a yield formula he could use to pre vet deals.
9. Would I buy paper and if yes what positions, performing or non performing.
10. Could I provide proof of funds.
11. My attorneys name.
12. Best way to contact me.
13. if contract was with an entity that wouldn't assign was there an entity name he could use on conditional offers.
14. Time required for closing
15. Any specific clauses I needed in every contract.