Solo 401k Tenants in Common Real Estate Ownership / Purchase
Friday, November 13
As the public starts to find out that 401k plans including self-employed solo 401k plans and IRAs can be invested in physical real estate, it is nice to know that in addition to using solo 401k funds to invest in real estate, non-retirement funds such as persona funds can also be invested alongsi...
Can I take a 60-day distribution from my solo 401k ?
Sunday, November 08
QUESTION: Can I take a 60-day distribution out of my ? What time frame do I have to return the amount distributed without facing a penalty?ANSWER: The distribution rules are different for a 401k including a solo 401k than an IRA.60-day rolloverWhile you can take a 60 day rollover distribution fr...
New Law Makes Solo 401k More Popular
Saturday, October 17
The American Taxpayer Relief Act allows all amounts in a 401k including a to be converted to a roth solo 401k. As a result, those who are looking to supercharge their tax free solo 401k funds can now make after tax solo 401k contributions and then convert them to a Roth Solo 401k. Making after-t...
Can I use the solo 401K plan to purchase a property internationally
Friday, October 09
QUESTION: Can I use the solo 401K plan to purchase a property internationally (e.g. Canada or HK)?ANSWER: While it is permissible to invest solo 401k funds in foreign real estate, following are some items to first consider. The country’s rules where the property will be purchased need to be taken...
Two Member LLC Solo 401k Real Estate Investment Property
Friday, October 09
BACKGROUND: A couple of quick questions concerning my Trust and setting myself up for Real Estate purchases…My thought is to establish an LLC with two members, myself and my , with equal membership.QUESTIONS: Is this the most advisable way to go? I'm thinking this is the best way to leverage my ...
Can I use my solo 401k to pay for conference expenses?
Monday, October 05
QUESTION: I have a Roth solo 401k and regular (pretax) solo 401k plan. I’m wondering if I can use the funds in either plan to pay for real estate related expenses, for example conferences. Or if I’m not able to directly pay from them through the plan then is it possible for me to take out a solo ...