The Six Stages of Boom, Bust, and Recovery
Saturday, February 02
The persistent economic recession that was triggered by the financial crisis of 2008 and has lingered through 2010 is showing every sign that it will drag into 2011. This is not intended to be a foreboding of doom and gloom, but an honest assessment of the fundamental mis-alignment that the econ...
Gold vs. the World
Wednesday, January 30
Over the last few years, much hay has been made about the rising values of gold and silver. (Not surprising that gold/silver brokers are the ones generating a large portion of the hype) As the price of gold has continued to rise, some have heralded it as the only safe haven for investors while ...
No Jobs, No Recovery
Monday, January 28
The recurrent news stories about the current economic "recovery" have begun to wear on many people. What the population at large is beginning to wonder about is jobs. Specifically, why the employment situation is still so difficult in a "growing" and "recovering" economy. Each month, jobs repo...
Urgent Action Required
Monday, January 21
The current financial situation is one where credit based income property buyers have exceedingly low prices, combined with exceedingly low interest rates, and a looming boom of new renters. This window of opportunity will not last indefinitely. Once the Federal Reserve is forced to act against ...
The Illusionary Index
Thursday, January 17
The Consumer Price Index (CPI) is one of the most closely watched indices by mainstream media, especially as of late. The government and media frequently paint an "oh so simple" picture of what the CPI represents, as if it is the final world on inflation or deflation. Most of us are distraught ...
The Big Deal About Big Deals
Monday, January 14
In the current economic environment, assembling real-estate deals is not as easy as it once was. Due to the meltdown of the financial sector in 2008, banks are being very cautious about whom they are lending to and the amount of loans attached to a person's name. For the prudent investor, howev...