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Posted over 15 years ago


Hi All:
Real Estate professionals are some of the most friendly people I know. Since Real Estate is more Brian's profession than mine (I work full-time as a sales representative for a manufacturing company) I have this quandary. How do you treat your clients? I know, I know you treat them in a wonderful and respectful manner. But, really the essence of my question is do you treat them like a friend/family member or are they just a client?

I have worked in sales for 10+ years and have always been one to make my clients a top priority and have treated them as friends. I do this because I know I would want them to treat me the same way if roles were reversed. But is it the right thing to do?

I don't know if this is or is not the right thing to do but it is the only way I know how to do it and it has proven to be beneficial in the past, present and hopefully future. But, this adds to my quandary what is a rift happens in the friendship that adversely effects the business relationship?

This is a difficult quandary for me to solve. All I know is that my business relationships are important to me and my family and friends are the most important relationships in my life. So, for the time being being I am going to keep doing what I am doing.

Do you feel the same as I do or do you have another technique to make you clients feel important? I would love to read them.

Thank you as always for reading our blogs and we hope that provide you joy and contemplation.

Many Blessings,

P.S. Please go and check out and see how we can help you to change your clients lives for the better. Life and business is all cyclical!

Comments (1)

  1. I treat my tenants as customers but I am friendly with them and interact with them in a normal casual manner. But I always maintain a distance... I never ask them about their personal lives and I am hesitant to let them into mine. I really don't care as long as my checks continue to show up on time. I think it is an understood arrangement all around. Sometimes tenants' personal lives affect rental, for example one of the room mates moving out (perhaps a couple broke up?) and I feel its awkward to ask. I ask something like.... are you going to get another flatmate? You gonna be ok with rent? Keeps everyone honest that business is business.