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Posted over 15 years ago

Getting Everything Started

Hello! I am new to the web technology arena and this is my first blog post. My business partner, Pamela, and I own Motivated Properties, a real estate company which wholesales properties, buys short sales, helps keep people from foreclosure, facilitates in loan modifications for people who want to stay in their house, and offers investors superior fixed returns for those who simply want their money to work for them.

 We have been quite busy these last two weeks as we got four properties under contract and now need to get them sold! Having heard a lot about Web 2.0 tactics for marketing, we have been trying to absorb all of the elements that go into a successful campaign.

I took my first video of properties, posted them on our website, and are now looking into Facebook, Twitter, and other social networking sites (like this one!). If you have any advice for me to get our message out in a better, more effective manner, or if you can give me some advice about setting up Facebook or Yahoo Group acounts, I'd greatly appreciate it.

Also if you like the properties we bring and you have a buyers list, we would certainly be happy to talk to you about bring them to your list.

I am a bit worn out from everything, but will post the properties in my next blogs. Thanks and hope to hear from you!
