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Posted about 15 years ago

boring rental property...

Well, I haven't posted in a while. Mainly because my rental property is boring. I received one call last week to fix a leak in the kitchen sink drain. That's been it. NO eviction, no 2 A.M. water leak call, no stuffed toilet.


I am disappionted that I haven't been able to buy more properties, however. Investors are grabbing these SFH's before they come into my price range. With the exception of one that I'm making an offer on. it's a 5/2 SFH....and is VERY big. I may just flip it. Asking price is $36k. I can get $975/month in rent for it. Needs about $10k in repair...less if I rent it out. We'll see what the bank counters at on my offer.



Comments (2)

  1. I agree Josh! Boring is good sometimes! :o)

  2. Rich - Sometimes boring can be a good thing. The less drama you get from the properties you have, the more time you can spend doing other things.