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Posted over 15 years ago

An Old Face in the Neighborhood - Wilmington NC

Often when riding through the “rough side” of town, I see old. crumbling houses overlooking patched and re-patched streets.  Scruffy shrubbery and patchy grass.  Rotten and disheveled woodwork and worn-out roofs.  Here and there a broken window, maybe a board-over, winking like a pirate’s eyepatch.

I think of those old houses as neglected members of a family...yes, they’re still IN the family, they’re still here--but a bit of an embarrassment.  Maybe a BIG embarrassment!  And they don’t go away, just fade into worse and worse condition, really lookin’ BAD.

Then sometimes I see one of these oldsters being worked on, new woodwork, fresh paint, a new roof.  Maybe some trimming with the plants and lawn.  And voila...what a difference!

Not only has an old house had its image revamped...guess what?  The family “black sheep” is back in the fold.  All of a sudden the houses around all look a little brighter and fresher too.  THEY might even look a little weary now, compared with the “new kid”!

Soon you see how contagious this is:  before you know it, here are the other guys on the block getting a fresh face too.

That old house is really nothing but a big mirror:  its looks simply reflect the general “state of the family”, the look and feel of the bigger scene--the whole neighborhood.  And its reflection involves an even more important element:  the PEOPLE who live there.  they who animate these houses and whose spirits these houses reflect to all the world.  

Often all the oldsters of a neighborhood--houses ad people alike--need is a freshening-up, a little new polish, to lighten up the world.  (At least their corner of it.)  and just as the wintertime flu or the springtime fever, aren’t we all takin’ a chance of catching either one?

A facelift for an old house, a renewed home for a proud family.  Nothing better for the neighborhood!

Visit our website at for more details on how we help renew neighborhoods...and how YOU can benefit starting with your old house, or someone else’s you’ve noticed.  Looking forward to your visit!
