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Posted over 15 years ago

Rewarding the performance of those who sell your house

One of the key shifts in thinking with flat-fee MLS listings is the fact that the listing commission, typically 3%, is eliminated.  Commissioned sales are designed to reward those who perform.  The listing agent typically has little impact on real estate sales which is why the concept of flat fee MLS listings is so attractive in this market.  Instead of rewarding the listing realtor for generating your listing, you can save thousands of dollars and do a better job listing it yourself.


When a listing agent creates the MLS listing, they typically do it by pulling up county tax records to obtain the size, number of bedrooms and bathrooms.  You can get that same information right on the internet using your local tax assessor’s website or using a site such as  Next, your listing realtor will typically walk through your home and interview you to get the details.  If you are listing it yourself YOU already know more about your own home than anyone else.  Finally, the listing realtor will take some photos of your house for the listing.  After reviewing thousands of listings I assure you that the listing realtor is typically not careful with photos and does not always have your best interest in mind while taking them.  First off, they typically take just one or two photos.  With you should take advantage of the availability to take 6 photos of your house.  I have seen realtor photos at extreme angles, too close and too far, skewed colors and even bathrooms with the toilet seat in the “upright” position.  With justlistem YOU control the selection of photos.  We recommend an angled shot of the front, a rear photo, kitchen, bathroom, living room and a bedroom.  Turn the lights on in the rooms, clean them beautifully and open the blinds.  These six photos can help you sell your house.


Finally the listing description written by the Listing Realtor is typically very brief or sometimes non-existent.  No one knows the best features of your house better than YOU do.  The description is your best opportunity to tell everyone why they should buy your house.  Describe your recent renovations, nicely landscaped yard, great neighborhood, new roof, upgraded kitchen appliances, etc. 


I started this blog introducing this paradigm shift of rewarding performance.  With YOU get rewarded for completing the listing and getting your own house sold.  I know a few sellers recently who have added an extra incentive to their listing for the Selling Realtor.  justlistem allows YOU to select how much you will reward the Selling Realtor.  You can pay them 3% commission, 4% or you can do what some others have recently been doing and offer an extra $500 Bonus to the selling Realtor.  The Selling Realtor is the one who is very helpful to you because they bring you the contract and help your Buyer close the transaction.  Isn’t it time you eliminated the middle-man and rewarded your own performance rather than throwing away that 3% listing commission?

