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Posted over 4 years ago

Florida Vacation Rental STR Code

Are you compliant with the Florida statutes, when running your short term rental?  An always changing political environment brings up questions of land use and state vs local control of vacation rentals.  In 2011, the state began regulation of vacation rentals, except 75 local municipalities that were "grandfathered" with a previous ordinance. You have to search not only for your county, but for your specific municipality.

From the top down, if you are renting a property in Florida for less than six months, obtain a Florida Hotel license from the Florida Department of Business & Professional Regulation. 

Apply for FL Hotel License

-Additionally, there is a county requirement for county tax payment.

And from the county level, do a search online for your local municipality, to determine whether the local code allows short term rentals. The search may look something like this: code compliance or ordinance <locality>

Read below for the Florida Attorney General's answers to regulation of land use.  

Mr. Kerry L. Ezrol

City Attorney

City of Wilton Manors

3099 East Commercial Boulevard

Suite 200

Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33308


LOCAL GOVERNMENTS – LAND USE – regulation of vacation rentals by

municipalities. s. 509.032, Fla. Stat.

Dear Mr. Ezrol:

You ask the following questions:

1. Does section 509.032(7)(b), Florida Statutes, permit the city to regulate the location of vacation rentals through zoning?

2. May the city prohibit vacation rentals

which fail to comply with the registration and licensing requirements in

section 509.241, Florida Statutes?

In sum:

1. Section 509.032(7)(b), Florida Statutes,

as amended by Chapter 2014-71, Laws of Florida, allows a local

government to regulate vacation rentals, but continues to preclude any

local law, ordinance or regulation which would prohibit vacation rentals

or restrict the duration or frequency of vacation rentals.[1] It would

appear therefore, that zoning may not be used to prohibit vacation

rentals in a particular area where residential use is otherwise allowed.

2. Section 509.032(1), Florida Statutes,

makes the Division of Hotels and Restaurants of the Department of

Business and Professional Regulation the regulatory agency for transient

lodging facilities. Section 509.241(1), Florida Statutes, makes

operation of such facilities without a license a misdemeanor of the

second degree. The statute specifically recognizes that local law

enforcement may provide immediate assistance in pursuing an illegally

operating facility, but does not otherwise authorize a local government

to prohibit the operation of a vacation rental without proper licensure

by the state.

Question One

Section 509.032(7), Florida Statutes, as amended by Ch. 2014-71, Laws of Florida, provides:

"(a) The regulation of public lodging

establishments and public food service establishments, including, but

not limited to, sanitation standards, inspections, training and testing

of personnel, and matters related to the nutritional content and

marketing of foods offered in such establishments, is preempted to the

state. This paragraph does not preempt the authority of a local

government or local enforcement district to conduct inspections of

public lodgings and public food service establishments for compliance

with the Florida Building Code and the Florida Fire Prevention Code,

pursuant to ss. 553.80 and 633.206.

(b) A local law, ordinance, or regulation

may not prohibit vacation rentals or regulate the duration or frequency

of rental of vacation rentals. This paragraph does not apply to any

local law, ordinance, or regulation adopted on or before June 1, 2011.

(c) Paragraph (b) does not apply to any

local law, ordinance, or regulation exclusively relating to property

valuation as a criterion for vacation rental if the local law,

ordinance, or regulation is required to be approved by the state land

planning agency pursuant to an area of critical state concern


Prior to its amendment, the statute, in relevant part, provided:

"(b) A local law, ordinance, or regulation may not restrict the use of vacation rentals,

prohibit vacation rentals, or regulate vacation rentals based solely on

their classification, use, or occupancy. This paragraph does not apply

to any local law, ordinance, or regulation adopted on or before June 1,

2011." (e.s.)

This earlier provision was interpreted by

this office to preempt local regulation of the rental of vacation homes.

This office also advised that a local zoning ordinance for

single-family homes adopted prior to June 1, 2011, could not now be

interpreted to restrict the rental of such homes as vacation rentals,

when the ordinance did not restrict the rental of such property and the

county had no regulations governing vacation rentals prior to June 1,


As originally introduced, Senate Bill 356,

repealed the provisions in paragraphs (b) and (c) of section 509.032(7),

Florida Statutes (2013), prohibiting local laws, ordinances, or

regulations affecting vacation rentals.[3] The bill was amended,

however, to reinstate the prohibition against local action which would

prohibit vacation rentals or regulate the duration or frequency of

vacation rentals.[4] The legislative analysis attendant to the

amendment states that the amendment "maintains the current prohibition

against local laws, ordinances, or regulations that prohibit vacation

rentals."[5] Finally, the staff analysis prepared for an identical bill

proposed in the House of Representatives, for which Senate Bill 356 was

substituted, reflects that the bill "removes the preemption to the

state for the regulation of vacation rentals" and recognizes that

"[l]ocal governments may regulate vacation rentals, provided those

regulations do not prohibit vacation rentals or restrict the duration or

frequency of vacation rentals."[6]

It is clear that municipalities may zone

land to pursue a number of legitimate objectives related to the health,

safety, morals, or general welfare of the community.[7] Municipalities

have the power to regulate the use of land and buildings within

prescribed districts through zoning.[8] Zoning is generally defined as

the legislative division of a region into districts with different

regulations within the districts for land use, building size, and the

like.[9] While a municipality may enact zoning ordinances and

regulations, a legislative enactment on the same subject matter

controls.[10] Therefore, to the extent a municipal ordinance conflicts

with a state statute in regard to the prohibition against any local act

which seeks to prohibit vacation rentals, the municipal ordinance must


Thus, while a local government may regulate

vacation rentals, it may not enact a local law, ordinance, or regulation

which would operate to prohibit vacation rentals. To the extent a

zoning ordinance addresses vacation rentals in an attempt to prohibit

them in a particular area where residences are otherwise allowed, it

would appear that a local government would have exceeded the regulatory

authority granted in section 509.032(7)(b), Florida Statutes.

Question Two

A municipality has home rule powers to enact

legislation on any subject upon which the State Legislature may act,

except, among other things, any subject that is expressly prohibited by

the Constitution or any subject that is expressly preempted to state or

county government by the Constitution or by general law.[12]

Section 509.261(1), Florida Statutes, provides:

"Any public lodging establishment or public

food service establishment that has operated or is operating in

violation of this chapter or the rules of the division, operating without a license, or operating with a suspended or revoked license may be subject by the division to:

(a) Fines not to exceed $1,000 per offense;

(b) Mandatory completion, at personal

expense, of a remedial educational program administered by a food safety

training program provider approved by the division, as provided in s.

509.049; and

(c) The suspension, revocation, or refusal of a license issued pursuant to this chapter." (e.s.)

Moreover, section 509.241(1), Florida

Statutes, makes it a misdemeanor of the second degree to operate a

public lodging establishment without a license. The statute further

provides that local law enforcement shall provide immediate assistance

in pursuing an illegally operating establishment. Where the Legislature

has prescribed the manner in which something is to be accomplished,

there is an implied prohibition against its being done any other


This office has recognized that a

municipality has the authority to prescribe penalties for violations of

its ordinances, but derives no authority from its home rule powers to

exceed penalties prescribed by law.[14] Section 509.271, Florida

Statutes, provides that "[a] municipality or county may not issue an

occupational license to any business coming under the provisions of this

chapter until a license has been procured for such business from the

[D]ivision [of Hotels and Restaurants]." Clearly, therefore, a

municipality may require through its licensing tax ordinance that a

vacation rental obtain a license in order to conduct business within the

municipality.[15] This would appear to be an appropriate regulation

which the city could impose upon vacation rentals within its


Section 205.053, Florida Statutes, provides

the manner in which business tax receipts are to be sold, penalties

which may be imposed for delinquent taxes, and penalties which may be

imposed for failure to obtain a local business tax receipt. The section

further provides that any person who engages in any business covered by

the chapter who does not pay the required tax within 150 days after the

initial notice of tax due "is subject to civil actions and penalties,

including court costs, reasonable attorneys’ fees, additional

administrative costs incurred as a result of collection efforts, and a

penalty of up to $250."16 Where the Legislature has prescribed a

penalty for violation of a particular act, a city may not impose more

severe sanctions.

When discussing the effect of the amendment

to section 509.032, Florida Statutes, an example of how such regulation

might be implemented was a local ordinance requiring that the name and

contact information for a local representative be posted in a vacation

rental owned by out-of-state individuals.[17] The sponsor of the

amendment addressed the committee and emphasized that the changes would

remove the preemption on local government regulation of vacation rentals

and allow local ordinances to address local concerns.[18]

Accordingly, while the amendment of section

509.032(7), Florida Statutes, by Chapter 2014-71, Laws of Florida,

allows a local government to regulate vacation rentals, such regulations

may not impose penalties which conflict with those prescribed by law.


Pam Bondi

Attorney General



[1] The statute continues to grandfather in any local law, ordinance, or regulation adopted on or before June 1, 2014.
