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Posted about 7 years ago

Bougainvillea throws a thrilling punch

Bougainvillea throws a thrilling punch of hot pink around the neighborhood, and landed a knock-out punch on the cheek of our property.  

Normal 1496173220 90 D63 E10 8719 4467 9 C62 2691559 E6 D6 F

Today, handyman Lloyd came over to repair the siding. Lloyd's mission was to remove the wood damaged by bougainvillea and the resulting water intrusion.  

He found a few matching boards that the previous owners had stacked in the garage, and bought water proof membrane to complete the task. Lloyd cut away the old tar paper, removed the damaged planks, along with the copper flashing at the junction of the roof with the house. Then Lloyd set about making it all tight and weather proof again.

Normal 1496173311 Ff285 A9 B 5 A89 40 A5 8943 Cf96032 A4 Efc
