Just another update!
Hey there everyone!
School is going great. It is incredibly easy. I always thought Registered Nursing School would be hard, but it feels like a break from all the prerequisites. I'm told it will get harder next semester (in May), but I still doubt it'll be hard as the prerequisites (specifically Anatomy/Physiology and Pathophysiology...). Maybe Pharmacology will be tough, but I love math and my memory is spot on! I'm excited because the skills I'm learning as an RN seem like they can really apply to business/REI and just life in general! It's very interesting to me.
I'm always thinking about the future and when I get a job as an RN and save up a lot more money, get access to larger loans from banks with 0% interest introductory periods and can really just be able to come with a lot of resources to take a big shot at REI again. I also feel a little embarrassed when I think about the work I put into it a year ago and didn't get anything but failed deals; I feel like I failed my mentor :\. But at least I got experience. I also want to buy J. Scott's two books he put out a while ago to take new ideas from for when I start up again. I want to have systems in place to make things run smoothly. That's what I'll probably work on. Creating systems.
Anyway, that's just an update of my life so in the future I can look back and see where I came from :D
Comments (1)
“Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.” ? Thomas Edison
David Rundle, almost 11 years ago