I Graduated From Community College...
Yay for me I guess... Not to excited as you can tell.
Yes, I believe its a good accomplishment, but I don't believe my life will change much, if any, because of it. The degree itself is in my views, useless. It's a Liberal Arts degree. I got it on the side of my current pursuit of a Diagnostic Medical Sonography degree. The petitioning only allows 17 people in a year so therefore, I did some extra classes on the side while waiting. And now I'm here, a community college graduate.
It's funny, I almost graduated before my mom haha. She graduated last year.
It feels like my life is going to change soon. Whether I finally get my first deal, get my DMS degree, or my current job develops into something bigger. I'm planning on the 1st idea. It feels like I'm going to break out of the poverty line. Like I'm no longer going to get food stamps haha. Now this, this is exciting. I can just feel it coming.
I remember coming to BP around 3 years ago and posting an ambitious post of getting into REI. Everyone told me to save money and keep going to school, and come back down the road. Well, I'm back, been back, saved a lot of money (in my view), graduated college, and learned how to actually go out and put out offers. Now all I need is one to be accepted ;) Oh... and hope my HML's actually come through as they have stated. That's my biggest fear, financing...
Life is nuts, and that's why I love it.
Comments (3)
Grats Manuel, You're a stud bro. Keep it up! I never graduated college and give you props for doing that while working/other things you have going on. I got lucky and was kind of grandfathered into my field in histopathology while taking online courses for my certification. Phew! Have you ever considered getting your RE license to make some $ on the side? I'm sure you have more knowledge about RE than most of the agents in your area since you've been around BP for 3 years :)
Mehran K., over 11 years ago
Dawn Anastasi, over 11 years ago
Manuel - First, congrats on graduation! Your tenacity is to be admired. Keep working on the dream, and I know you'll be successful. Most people simply give up when the going gets tough and that's what I most respect about you. You've got the BP fam to help you make this happen . . . keep at it!
Joshua Dorkin, over 11 years ago