Quick Tips on Communication
Communication is king…even over cash.
We always hear cash is king but what about communication is king? Has anyone noticed that in our current day with all the technology tools available to us that effective communication seems to happen less and less frequently. How many books exist on the subject? How many seminars? How many college courses? Why does it seem like it is expected that everyone can conduct real estate transactions off of a text message?
How did we get here? And how are you going to be a good negotiator if you don’t communicate with people?
It seems the questions are endless but first and foremost, our team feels it is always the same answer. Whenever there is a problem to solve, don’t start with text messaging. Phone or in person is the way to go.
Example, it is rare that a Seller will sell their property to you over a text message. Could it happen? Sure but again, it’s just unlikely. Phone sales work for a reason. In person is even better but in today’s connected age, sometimes that is not feasible with distance considerations so all the more reason to be effective over the phone. Most Sellers are reasonable people and a phone call can go miles if you leverage it properly.
Same goes for Buyers. It is astounding to me how many deals do not happen because of ineffective communication with Buyers and oftentimes, their agents. It is unwise to assume Buyers and their agents communicate in the same manner. We have often wished that anytime there is an interested Buyer in a property that all parties could come together and discuss the deal. When principals speak direct, good things tend to happen and with the counsel of agents present, real deals accounting for all factors can happen very quickly. It’s also another reason why investor Buyers many times prefer not to work with agents as they prefer only principals. There is a lot of power in that scenario and they recognize that.
People do business with people they like and trust. Your ability to come across as trustworthy is key so how you show yourself to the world is a part of that. Insert social media. While social media can endlessly suck up your time with feeds of every kind, reality is in todays world, it is easy for people to look you up. And what they see could determine if they will do business with you. Putting your best foot forward is paramount. And like texting, social media is not the place to resolve challenges.
So what about Text and email? While helpful tools, they are best reserved for information data sharing. They can work for solving issues but that doesn’t tend to be the norm in a people centric business like real estate. Whatever you do, don’t try to resolve issues over text and email. If the issue is a priority, at least one party should make it clear to the other party how they feel so that a solution can be reached.
Cash is great and is king however what good is cash if you can’t communicate effectively? And to that we say in addition to Cash is King….Communication is King!