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Posted over 10 years ago

Home Phone - Useful Or Not Anymore?

Did it ever cross your mind that it is time to get rid of your home phone? Or do you think that home phone still provides a great advantage for the majority of homeowners?

The latest data shows that the majority of Americans is still using home phones, however, it is gradually disappearing. The Wall Street Journal reported that according to the Census Bureau, “71 % of households have landlines in 2011, down from a little more than 96% 15 years ago. Cellphone ownership reached 89%, up from about 36% in 1998, the first year the survey asked about the devices.” The report also pointed out that “the youngest households are abandoning landlines in droves. About two-thirds of households led by people ages 15-29 relied only on cell phones in 2011, compared with 28% of the broader population.”

Check out more reports related to this:

Let us examine the advantages of having a home phone:

  • For emergency purposes – having a home phone that is plugged directly into the jack and not cordless will still work and will serve its purpose even in the event of a power outage.
  • Your line is tied up to a specific address – if there is a problem where it is necessary to call 911 from your home phone, the authorities in charge will find out your exact address.
  • Your home phone number is one of your links to several organizations such as banks, kid’s school, church, etc.
  • Home phones are more reliable than wireless cellular phones in terms of signal. Those who live in remote areas would be better off with home phones than the cellular phones.
  • Home phones deliver better quality in terms of how people sounded compared to cellular phones.
  • Home phones are easier to use compared to cellular phones. An older person would prefer a simple phone and doesn’t want to be bothered with all those apps in cellular phones.

I am not one to advise as to which one is better for you. However, as a real estate investor in Atlanta, my cellular phone is very useful especially for communication when I am not in my office and checking out Atlanta homes. All I can say is that, start reviewing as to which one is more advantageous on your part. And consider the following important factors of using a phone, reliability, quality and of course the price.
