Real Estate Investors Time Is Gold But Why Are Team Meetings Important
I was just on my way to a meeting earlier with a seller and a buyer while I am having another business meeting with my team online. Meetings for me are powerful business weapon and I made sure that I hold regular scheduled meetings with my team as part of the important routine at work. Meetings can also be a serious drain on company productivity; it is one of the deadliest time wasters if you don’t have the goals and objectives ahead of time. And the best meeting for a real estate investor to maximize real estate investing success is one with an agenda and a time frame of how long the meeting will take.
Let’s point out the key advantages of why business meetings are valuable for a real estate investor:
- Building Relationships. A relationship with your team is a very important thing to establish. Meetings should be a bridge to allow your business relationship to deepen, grow and succeed together. And this applies to everybody that you’re having a meeting with. Here is the chance for each of you to talk, share and respect all viewpoints and allowing each other to keep track of individual and team work progress through a healthy discussion.
- Establishing Value. Investing your time with meetings will create a win-win situation. This is the time where you can establish rapport and convince the person involved in the meeting that you are someone that can be trusted. All discussion should be directly aimed to relevant topics that will answer their needs. This should include strategies as well as tips on how to increase profitability, improve the customer service, helping others and enjoy the business more. When you hit that trust factor it will encourage ideas and insights to be implemented as well as motivate and remind people of how valuable your business is to them regardless of competition in the real estate industry
- Real Estate Market Development Plans and Penetration Strategies. Uncovering the needs opportunities will beat the competition and win business. Your team should be able to gather the data needed, never assume anything and do the appropriate research for your prospects whether they are investors, home buyers, sellers, private lenders or prospective partners. Real estate business is a dynamic business so solid foundation, in depth, thorough understanding is required to meet the demands of today’s real estate investing.
- Real Estate Virtual Platform. With the fast paced business environment that we have, meeting face to face (if it can be helped) with another real estate investor, buyer or seller is the best way to do business. However, with the revolution of the internet, virtual meetings are now used to first and foremost cut cost. Virtual meetings may not entirely replace live meetings but it can facilitate the two objectives of why there should be a meeting and that is to exchange information and to network.
- Meetings will help the team arrive at a consensus. Everyone involved in the meeting should arrive to an agreement. All participants’ ideas are gathered and synthesized to reach a final decision that is acceptable to all concerned. Through consensus we are not only trying to achieve a better result or better solutions but to promote what we have aimed for in the first place, to build trust, confidence, development, growth, to target your money’s worth of investment and ultimately increase ROI and repeat business.
Meetings are a great way to communicate lots of information in a short amount of time, exchanging, considering, evaluating and creating a game plan for the future ahead. It is a matter that should be worth investing your time with. So schedule a time for meetings, not just today but regularly and focus on quality not quantity because meetings are empowering and it goes beyond achieving goals.