Always Be Marketing
ABM – Always Be Marketing…EVEN in a Sellers Market
We all know this. Really we do. In Real Estate, it is truly all about marketing. Our market right now along with many others in the country is a Seller’s Market in many pockets. I have already started to hear the conversations in some agent circles about good times ahead. While that may be true, my first question is always ‘How do you plan to leverage your marketing during these times?’
While the days ahead may indeed be promising for listings, one need only remember what happened a few short years ago to many agents who enjoyed the real estate boom without lifting a finger. Always be marketing was not on the forefront of many people’s minds. Always be marketing was ignored. Always be marketing may never be needed many thought. The lack of Always be marketing is what caused many of them to now have jobs and be in other career paths. What goes up must come down. And Real Estate is different.
Many agents today survived the tough years by marketing. Nothing has really changed for them and they are as consistent as always. However many have struggled to hang on. And now there are several new folks to the trade. If there is one lesson that should be learned it is this one. Always be marketing. It doesn’t matter if you have one closing or 20 scheduled. Always be marketing. Always, always, always.
You never know what tomorrow holds. If indeed good days are ahead and here to stay for some time, always be marketing so you can make the most of the moment for as long as it lasts.
Always. Good luck!