Does Your Credit Score Drops If You Check Your Own Credit?
Thursday, August 27
Does Your Credit Score Drops If You Check Your Own Credit? A question that many new home buyers ask themselves when looking to buy a home.The advice from your friends and family comes in different versions but has the same message: Don't check your credit scores often...because it will drop ...
Homes Next To The Outlets in Clarksburg Maryland : Cabin Branch Homes
Wednesday, August 12
Homes Next To The Outlets in Clarksburg Maryland has grown immensely these last couple years. Located next to the future Clarskburg Premium Outlets. Winchester Homes is the builder and developer for 1500 planned homes and the construction has not stopped since the first dirt was displaced t...
Why Isn't My House Selling? Home Selling Tips
Sunday, July 26
Why Isn't My House Selling?Home Selling Tips [original post Why isn't My House Selling? ]I received the following eMail after a video I posted on my page for "Home Not Selling Forum" This relates to Home Absorption Rates and how to use it and help you sell a home.. ."Hi Fernando, just listen to ...
Wednesday, July 22
WHY IS MY HOUSE NOT SELLING? Understand that the LISTING PRICE and the SELLING PRICE are two different things.Although there are many other aspects and conditions that affect the sale of a home. The price is the pivot that directs it to the SOLD group or to the STALE group.If your house is not ...
Writing a Book For Marketing Your Real Estate Business
Tuesday, July 14
What is the best marketing tool you can have for your own business? I know that the best way for any customer to trust you quickly is when they are absolutely sure you are an expert of what you do...A book can accomplish this for you.I have been thinking about this for many years already and I de...
The New Construction Boom in Montgomery County MD May Stop You From S
Tuesday, May 26
The New Construction Boom inMontgomery County Maryland Could Stop Your Selling Plans. . If you are planning on selling your home IN 2015-2016, now may be the "BEST"time to act. Demand is high, across the country and supply is low. Many homeowners are experiencing and benefiting from an almost a...