3 Action steps for a better Credit FICO Score
I always tell my REI Students to do 3 things:
1. See 2 websites: www.FTC.gov
and www.MyFICO.com,
read everything.
2. Get an envelope, start with $1000 goal, put cash in there every week, get the $1000 goal saved, go to the bank OR pay off debt with it.
3. Do Bank Round Robin, take a $1000, talk to the manager of major bank, tell them you want a secured 12 month loan of $1000, get a payment of $85 a month for 12 months, double up on payments, $170 a month, in 6 months, you will have 3 entries, 1 new installment loan, 2, paid as agreed, 3, paid off. This new reference will boost your FICO as much as 50 points.
Lastly, this book is the best book on improving your credit as fast as possible. http://www.amazon.com/Hidden-Credit-Repair-Secrets...