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Posted almost 16 years ago

Read This Daily if you are a REI - I do!


I have this taped to my my office wall:

Our Credo as Real Estate Investors:

I am a Real Estate Investor.

Of all of the occupations I have tried, researched, pondered, and read about over the years, there is none which compares to mine. My work is fun. I take ugly houses and make them beautiful. I help people out of difficult situations.

I am a Real Estate Investor. I am my own boss. I often work in my pajamas from the comfort of my home. I have no employees to baby sit, no perishable inventory to move, no franchise fees to pay, and no store to maintain. Still, I am in the top 5% of all income earners.

I am a Real Estate Investor. I now enjoy freedoms I’ve never had before. I am the master of my day. I choose who to work with. I choose my hours, and I decide if I will work 20 hours or 40 hours this week. I can also choose to take the day off, without obtaining anyone’s permission. I can take a month-long vacation. I can sleep in, or take a power nap after lunch if I want. I can review my notes and return my calls while lounging in my jacuzzi. I no longer have to commute during rush hour.

I have the freedom to spend lots of time with my wife and child/children. I do not have the stress and pressure of needing to close my next deal by the end of the week, by the end of this month, or even by the end of this year.

I live in one of the nicest neighborhoods, in one of the most beautiful states, in the best country that has ever existed on this Earth.

I am a Real Estate Investor. There are many who ‘want’ to be like me; many who are ‘studying’ to be like me; and many more who would be like me, but are just waiting for ‘this opportunity to appear’ or ‘that circumstance to change’… At the end of the day, very few actually are like me.

I have been very fortunate and blessed. I am finally living my dream. I love doing what I do, and I would not trade places with anyone, nor trade my life experiences for anyone else’s.

I am driven by the belief that life is short, and we need to ‘make a difference’ in the short time that we’re here, because after all is said and done, it’s really not about ‘us.’

I am a Real Estate Investor.

Comments (5)

  1. Forgot! :( Here it is... What is yours, Josh?

  2. I wanted to just "bump" this article, as it is one I'd like more people to get the chance to see . . . BTW - Did you ever start that thread about creating your own credo, Brian?

  3. "You should start a discussion thread on the forums to inspire others to create their own. Maybe share tips on doing it?" OK! Will do! Mindset and attitude is 90% of success anyway! All the best to all BPers, Brian

  4. That's GREAT! I also don't have a credo, but have a bunch of friends who swear by them. You should start a discussion thread on the forums to inspire others to create their own. Maybe share tips on doing it?

  5. That's pretty cool Brian. I've never had my own credo, but I can see how posting something like this on my wall could be a good way to inspire me daily.