The Biggest Expense Loser - We Have a Winner
Saturday, April 27
Deborah B. is the first winner in the $100 Expense Reduction Challenge. Here's the link the my original post announcing the challenge. Deborah B. now holds the title of Biggest Expense Loser! She did it by fine-tuning her insurance policies then converting them from Replacement Cost Value (RCV) t...
Clever Maintenance Tips from BP Members
Thursday, March 14
A lot of great ideas were suggested during my $100 Expense Reduction Challenge. Some suggestions were more maintenance related and not equity boosters, so I decided to create this list just for maintenance ideas. I'll continue to update this post as more ideas are discovered. Please leave a comm...
$100 Expense Reduction Challenge
Wednesday, March 13
Hopefully you've decided to join other BP members and the community in trying to reduce your expense by $100 per month per rental property. I'm offering a $20 Home Depot gift card to the first 10 people who can produce documentation of their $100 savings. Here's a list o...
Infographic for New Landlords
Friday, January 18
One of the many great things about BP is that you can meet people from all over the world without leaving home. That happened to me as I became intrigued by Shannon Pineau’s BP blog. Her thoughts about landlording seemed similar to my own. She's brilliant! Although she's in Canada and I'm in...
What Everyone Should Know About Saving Money on Their Natural Gas Bill
Friday, November 16
Let’s dive deep into the natural gas bill to see what type of savings can be had. As the figure shows, you can break the bill into two parts. The first part is made up of utility taxes and transport costs and the second part is for the gas itself.Thanks to deregulation, large natural gas distribu...
How the DVP Change Formula Can Help Landlords with Neighborhood Restoration
Sunday, November 04
Resistance to change is always in ample supply. And when it comes to inner city revitalization efforts, a number of programs have been launched (with fanfare) and quietly scrapped. What makes you think you can do any better? [Check out my upcoming eBook for the answer] Anyway, since the mid 80’s,...