From A Life Flight To Flight School A Land Geek Student Case Study

Join us for a special Grill the Geek episode of Round Table as Erik Peterson takes over the podcast and brings a special guest with him!
Flight School and coaching client Sid Christensen sits down with Erik, Mimi, Mike and Scott Bossman to talk about his first year in the land investing business.
“I was laying in the snow thinking about what I could do as I’m waiting for the life flight helicopter to come pick me up. I thought ‘well, now I can look into that land thing…”
Here are just a few of the questions Sid answers in this geeky grill session:
- Where he is now in comparison to a year ago
- How he stayed consistent in the business juggling a full-time job and time with his family
- His biggest achievement—roadblocks he overcame
- The hardest and best parts of the business
- Favorite deal and numbers
- His average acquisition cost
- Number of terms/cash deals
Also, Sid talks about his why and how it motivates him and offers advice to those who are just starting out.