What Is The Best Marketing Strategy? Create Zombies!
In today's podcast, Mark and Scott are joined by Peter Shankman—Shankman.com
Peter is best known for founding Help A Reporter Out—HARO, but he is also the author of five books, entrepreneur and corporate keynote speaker. He is recognized worldwide for radically new ways of thinking about customer service, social media, PR, marketing, advertising, and ADHD.
His latest book, Zombie Loyalists: Using Great Service to Create Rabid Fans, he wrote on a plane to Hong Kong and back again with only a 2 hour layover in between. His only agenda for traveling to Hong Kong was to write the book!
He talks to us about the premise behind Zombie Loyalists—someone who is so in love with a brand or a product, they want to share that with the world. And how to create Zombie Loyalists in your own business.
A few key factors are:
- Going above and beyond.
- Being accessible.
- And making sure that your audience is benefiting by the information you're giving.
Peter also shares how you can find the right audience for YOU!
Listen in now...