Are You Making This Mistake?
One of the biggest mistakes I see online investors making everyday is not doing enough research on the property they are investing in! One of the biggest mistakes they make is not going out and seeing the property for themselves. It’s a big critical mistake. Don't misunderstand, there's nothing wrong with buying property online site unseen. I have done it. However, I go on Google Earth and I look at it virtually! Still, I don’t close the deal until someone physically goes and checks on that property for me.
So how do I do it? There’s a great site out there called wegolook.com. WeGoLook.com starts at only $49.00!
Send someone else to go look at your property if you are unable to do it yourself. Or, you can always ask a local realtor. Give the realtor a call and say, “Hey, I am buying this property – have you seen it?” If not, ask them to go take a look for you and you'll gladly pay them for their time about $50-$100 to take a few pictures for you, assess the terrain, make sure there aren't any topographical issues with the property, poor access or that it is located in a dangerous area.
If no one can go look at it, make sure there’s a guarantee. I always offer a 90-day addition due-diligence on my property so that people can go, plan a trip, make sure that they really love the property they are buying.
Nobody wants to be disappointed in a land purchase, and as a seller, you never want that either!