Derek Sivers Shares His Deep Thought and Profound Insights
Derek is a modern-day philosopher and phenomenal entrepreneur. Formerly a programmer, musician, TED speaker and circus clown, Derek sold his first company, CD Baby, for $22 million–and gave all the money to charity!
You’ll want to hear Mark and Derek ponder diverse perspectives, books, music and ideas, including:
- How Derek stays unapologetically clear on his purpose and how he invests his time
- His take on the chapter, “Happy, Smart, and Useful” in his book, Hell Yeah or No
- Derek’s spin on marketing in his book, Your Music and People
- The value in being quirky
- His writing process for the book ,How To Live
- What he means when he says, “Work is love in action.”
- His best tips for seeing–and immersing yourself in–the world
- Is standardization the killer of soulfulness?
- What he means when he wrote: “Nothing destroys money faster than seeking status”
- Is it harder to write a great album or a great book
- Which three books would he take to a desert island for three months and why
- Abraham Maslow’s theory on self actualization
Derek also discloses what’s next for him. Learn more about Derek Sivers at
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