Creating True Wealth In Real Estate—Time Wealth
Our guest today learned a valuable lesson about real estate investing and that was not to do it all yourself!
Listen in as Mark Dolfini—The Landlord Coach and author of The Time-Wealthy Investor talks about how he created true wealth through time-wealth.
Mark is a veteran of the US Marines who owns several million dollars in real estate properties and has actively managed over $40 million in real estate since starting, 20 years ago.
It took Mark almost losing his life to come to the realization that he can not do it all! Find out the details behind that life-changing moment, along with:
- Mark’s transition going from being self employed to business owner
- Determining what your time is worth
- Mark’s role in his business since the transformation
- The VIP paradigm—Vision, Infrastructure, Process
And, more on this week's episode of The Art of Passive Income!